Saturday, November 24, 2012

Plot/Story Discussion.

A Dream Within Eden

The bright new era has dawned, a paradise has been found. But what happens when chaos and corruption threaten to ruin it all?


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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.

Here is where those who are a part of A Dream Within Eden, can share and discuss among us all about plots and additional story lines. If you have ideas or suggestions, please post them here and this way everyone can voice their opinion and ideas. Please be considerate and polite, no flaming, no bashing.. etc etc. Follow standard forum rules. xD

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i don't like double posting, but felt this should be known to the roleplayers. Some info on Eden/Gehenna, and important to the plot.. Or at least I feel it is. Kuroe is the one who created this part, mainly I think for his characters, but also I feel its important for The Raven and Master Eldorado. So yeah.. Added this info for you all. And props and thanks to Kuroe. He has been a major help with helping me create this RP, he helped get what I wanted and saw in my head for this RP... Yeah.. I'm really happy.. and currently exhausted. But I think I got everything I need to now.

Okay, so when the first settlers arrived at the ruins of the underground city beneath the dome which would become Eden, by burrowing underground like in minecraft, they found very advanced machinery which was lying in a dormant state.
It was in a state of great disrepair, however, but the head of the newly formed excavation and recovery team, a scientist now called "mother" in the rp, found the dome's purpose: to eliminate any impurities that might be harmful to life, as well as effectively destroying most electronic instruments within its area.
Beneath it was a vast underground city, where machinery used to support the dome dwelled
The experiments and mission to restore the city and technology to working order was named "El Dorado".
After a year or so, traces and references of two AI were found in the logs on the computers which had been brought back to life.
One of these was recovered a month later by the team, on the very lowest level of the underground city. It was an AI linked with the mechanisms powering the whole of the area, in the form of a girl. It was fully robotic, but somehow, after being restored to working order, had a mind equal to that of a human.
Her memory banks were corrupted and she held no outside knowledge other than how to power and control the areas below the surface. The dome, though, remained outside their reach. Literally, too. It was locked from the inside and out. However, the AI remembered one thing: that her "brother" the second AI was lying somewhere in the dome, and that he could help them.
The team, then following some directions in schematic blueprints they found of the dome, managed to bypass the system and make their way into the heart of the dome to the main control terminal, where they found a boy, not unlike the first AI, plugged into the machines and rendered immobile. Upon powering the machines, the AI woke up and demonstrated its ability of complete control over every aspect of the dome, including the growth of life. This machine prove to be more advanced than anything seen below the surface. It was a bio-integrated machine that spanned the whole of the dome. The memory of the computers and the second AI remained completely intact, and it was revealed that the purpose of the first AI was to do maintenance on the dome, and that she had little control over anything outside the city underground.
After this, the team managed to restore the city, which had fallen into disrepair as well, nearly to complete working order. It was decided that "Mother" would take charge of keeping the city's heart a secret and keeping the AIs in working order. She also had to keep them separate, as they both showed a desire to be together, and let the male AI out of his confinement. He still, however, continued to make the city work as long as he was plugged into the mainframe.

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