Friday, November 30, 2012

UK press braces for verdict of ethics inquiry

FILE - In this July 28, 2011 file photo, Lord Justice Brian Leveson speaks during the first formal session of his phone hacking inquiry in London. Leveson, who spent a year investigating the misdeeds of Britain's lively newspapers, is giving Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron an early look at his recommendations on Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012 for the regulation of the press. (AP Photo/Sean Dempsey, Pool-File)

FILE - In this July 28, 2011 file photo, Lord Justice Brian Leveson speaks during the first formal session of his phone hacking inquiry in London. Leveson, who spent a year investigating the misdeeds of Britain's lively newspapers, is giving Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron an early look at his recommendations on Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012 for the regulation of the press. (AP Photo/Sean Dempsey, Pool-File)

Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron walks out the front door of 10 Downing Street in London, to greet the Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah during his State Visit to the UK, Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012. The judge who spent a year investigating the misdeeds of Britain's lively newspapers is giving Prime Minister David Cameron an early look at his recommendations for the regulation of the press. Officials say Cameron will get a copy of Lord Justice Brian Leveson's report Wednesday, a day before the public sees it, but Cameron is already being besieged with advice about how to respond to the still-secret recommendations. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham)

(AP) ? Britain's rambunctious press braced Thursday for censure and tougher scrutiny as an ethics inquiry triggered by tabloid phone hacking released its wide-ranging report.

Lord Justice Brian Leveson was due to release the findings of his yearlong inquiry, which heard evidence from hundreds of journalists, politicians, lawyers and victims of press intrusion.

His report, reportedly running to 2,000 pages, was due for release at 1:30 p.m. (1330GMT, 8:30 a.m. EST).

Prime Minister David Cameron set up the inquiry after revelations of illegal eavesdropping by the now-defunct News of the World tabloid sparked a criminal investigation and a wave of public revulsion.

Leveson is expected to criticize the cozy relationship between politicians, police and the press and to recommend stronger newspaper regulation.

Many politicians and members of the public want a regulatory body enshrined in law, but some lawmakers, editors and journalists fear that could limit press freedom.

Parliament would have to approve any legal changes the report recommends, and Cameron is under intense pressure from both sides. He is also tainted by his own ties to prominent figures in the scandal.

It erupted in 2011 when it was revealed that the Rupert Murdoch-owned News of the World had eavesdropped on the mobile phone voicemails of 13-year-old murder victim Milly Dowler while police were searching for her.

Murdoch shut down the 168-year-old newspaper in July 2011. His U.K. newspaper company, News International, has paid damages to dozens of hacking victims, and faces lawsuits from dozens more.

The former Murdoch editors and journalists subsequently charged with phone hacking, police bribery or other wrongdoing include Cameron's former spokesman, Andy Coulson, and ex-News of the World editor Rebekah Brooks, a friend of the prime minister.

Coulson and Brooks were appearing in court Thursday on charges of paying public officials for information.

Cameron, who received a copy of Leveson's report on Wednesday, is due to make a statement about it in the House of Commons later Thursday.

He and other senior politicians insist they will not curb Britain's long tradition of free speech.

"Everybody wants two things: firstly, a strong, independent, raucous press who can hold people in positions of power to account, and secondly to protect ordinary people ? the vulnerable, the innocent ? when the press overstep the mark," Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said Thursday.

"That's the balance that we are trying to strike and I am sure we will."

Associated Press


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Monday, November 26, 2012

On patrol with a shark ranger in Indonesia - US -

Conservation International works with Indonesian children to help them learn how to protect the most diverse underwater region in the world. ?NBC News' Richard Engel reports.

By Ed Flanagan, NBC News

RAJA AMPAT, Indonesia ? The remote Indonesian archipelago of Raja Ampat is home to an underwater treasure trove of coral reefs and tremendous biodiversity, miles away from polluted urban centers and human encroachment.

The faraway islands in Western Papua, regarded by many marine experts as having the potential to help restore the world's ailing coral reefs, are vulnerable to the unchecked exploitation of a lucrative treasure that is rapidly disappearing from Indonesia's waters: sharks.

China's growing appetite for the de rigueur shark fin soup has attracted fishermen from elsewhere in Indonesia and Southeast Asia to the waters around Raja Ampat's 1,500 islands.

Alarmed, conservationists and local villagers worked together to create the Misool Eco Resort and Conservation Center in 2005, establishing a 165-square-mile "No-Take Zone" that banned fishing.

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Understanding the beauty and diversity of Raja Ampat, aka 'Underwater Eden'?
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When a neighboring village requested to take part, the area was expanded to 472 square miles, roughly the size of the city of Los Angeles.

The Misool team also recruited a group of rangers to help patrol the waters for illegal fishermen. Earlier this year, NBC News had an opportunity to go on patrol with Abdul Razak Tamher, 31, one of the first rangers.

Q: Before 2005, what were shark and fish stocks like in this area of Raja Ampat?

A: Before 2005, one of the main occupations of the people of my village was fishing. That's what we did every day and one of the big things fished were sharks. By the 2000s there were very few sharks left in the area, but in the 1980s and 90s when I was fishing there were lots of sharks. A lot of people used dynamite and potassium cyanide for fishing.

Q: So did villagers in Misool know they had to change the way things were done?

A: At that time, people here really didn't think much about shark or marine conservation. We didn't know shark fishing was illegal (prior to the formation of the No-Take Zone in 2005, the local governor had actually signed a law against shark fishing) because nobody from the government came out here to tell or educate us that it was illegal and bad for the ecology to fish sharks.

It was really through the efforts of the resort to educate the village about the importance of sharks and protecting the marine environment that we saw the importance of it and began to appreciate the natural beauty ourselves. Now if people from my village hear of a shark fishing boat coming into this area, they get really upset.

NBC News' Richard Engel talks to a Conservation International scientist as he identifies a new species of fish.

Q: Is conservation a completely foreign idea here? Isn't there a long tradition of seasonal fishing and spiritual beliefs around protecting certain animals?

A:?We've embraced principles of conservation since the beginning of our culture. They were simple ideas, but they still worked for us. For example, we would harvest clams from the ocean for six months, then depending on the ocean conditions, we would close that area for sometimes up to a year before harvesting again.

Many of the original families in this area are forbidden to eat different sea creatures like sharks or turtles or other kinds of fish. In each case, there is a reason why each family respects and protects a certain animal. It could be that a family member or fisherman generations ago was rescued by that species or guided to land at a time of need. Many still believe that if someone in the family breaks this taboo, they will get sick or something bad will happen.

Q:?In 2006, the rangers were formed with just five of you and a few of you were actually former shark fishermen. What made you make such a dramatic change in your life?

?A:?I personally wasn't involved in shark fishing, but other original rangers that were here in the beginning and their village elders were shark fishermen. Even though they were shark fishermen and lived off the harvest of the ocean, they realized that they needed to preserve this area and the marine life for future generations to come.

Many of us felt ? and still feel today ? that if we told our children or grandchildren that there were lots of fish and sharks in the sea around these islands and they went there and saw none they would think that we were liars and we just couldn't allow that to happen.

Q:?What was it like in the early days with the rangers?

A:?The rangers weren't really effective until 2009 because at that time there was only one speed boat that was always busy getting lumber for the construction of the resort. So we would only go out if we saw an illegal boat go past the resort. From 2006-2009, we went out almost every day. In the months of June and July, the area was choked with shark finning boats from as far away as Java that cast long lines with sometimes 1,000 or 2,000 hooks to catch sharks.

To expel the foreign boats, it wasn't a problem. We would just go up to the boats and tell them leave and they would go. Local fishermen were tougher. Most of the problems had to do with local fishermen not agreeing with the contract we signed with Misool Eco Reserve to create the no-take zones or claiming they were not around when the contract had been reached. They would also say we have it easy since we work as rangers and make a lot of money, so we don't need to fish like they did.

Q:?How soon after the reserve formed did you start to see results from the sanctuary?

A:?After two or three years, I started to see a lot of sharks in the lagoons and my friends who went diving began to see more fish. There were just some researchers here in Misool who were shocked by the amount of fish who were in the protected areas. The results have just been amazing.

Q:?How have the villages in the area adapted to the sanctuary?

A:?In the beginning, there were a lot of problems with the villagers not understanding the rangers' mission. The most important thing we did to get people behind us was to use Adat, or traditional Papuan village law. This was done by developing a close relationship with the ancestral village head, as he holds the power of the village and so people will listen to what he says. If we didn't have the village head, then it would have been difficult to enforce the rules of the sanctuary.

Q:?What's next for the rangers in the coming years?

A:?We all hope the ranger patrol can continue forever and that we have the resources to keep recruiting young people from the villages to the patrol. We now have three ranger stations built and we hope to have three rangers in every station with small, fuel-efficient boats that can be used to spot illegal fishermen and intercept them until support can show up.

The other big problem we'd like to fix is communication. Radio communication in this region of Raja Ampat is difficult because all the radios we have now are line-of-sight and the islands interfere with signal within short distances. The plan is to build a main radio/repeater station that will cover the entire area so that there is clear contact throughout the sanctuary.

To donate to the Misool ranger patrols, click here.

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Low vitamin D increases risk of bladder cancer up to 600 percent

(NaturalNews) The vitamin D3 secret for preventing cancer is seeping into the mainstream media (MSM). But it's still a long way from getting the publicity that Koman for the Cure and their ilk promote as revenue producing, worthless cancer prevention measures.

You won't hear or read too many cancer clinics and family doctors advising people on maintaining a high D3 blood level to protect against cancer either. The official RDA (recommended daily allowance) for vitamin D3 is way too low to maintain the D3 blood level of 40 to 60 ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter). (

That's the vitamin D3 blood level promoted by vitamin D3 experts, several holistic doctors, and naturopaths for protecting against cancer. Most doctors still consider 20 ng/ml normal. But PubMed asserts 40 to 74 ng/ml as normal. The possible toxic range is beyond 100 ng/ml, according to the Vitamin D Council

The LA Times science section covered a recent study done in Spain by the Spanish Cancer Research Center, and published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Positive studies on the merits of vitamin D3 for preventing breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer had already been performed and published. So Dr. Nuria Malets and her team decided to focus on bladder cancer instead. Bladder cancer is an epidemic in Spain.

They divided slightly over 2,000 test subjects in half. One half hospitalized with bladder cancer and the other half without bladder cancer. Then they used the standard serum 25-hydroxycholecalciferol or 25(OH)D test, which measures the active form of vitamin D3 produced in the kidneys.

The Spanish research team recorded that the 1,000 bladder cancer patients had less serum D3 levels than the 1,000 without bladder cancer. They determined that a low vitamin D3 level doubles the chance of bladder cancer.

Separating patients with more aggressive bladder cancers revealed that risks are six times higher with low D3 blood levels. One aspect of vitamin D3's ability to prevent cancer is a protein that D3 provides to curb cancer.

Vitamin D3 is more of a hormone than a vitamin, and it has regulatory adaptogenic properties. It boosts what's needed and lessens what's overabundant.

The LA Times article did not reveal the actual numeric 25(OH)D readings from the Spanish research team to indicate what they considered low.

Increasing bare skin exposure to direct sunlight is the optimum vitamin D3 booster. Tanning beds that use UVB (ultra-violet B) rays work also. UVB rays are what helps your skin's fat cells start the vitamin D3 process.

Vitamin D3 (not D2) supplements from natural sources are also beneficial. Ignore the official RDA minimum requirement. Many safely and effectively supplement 5,000 to 10,000 iu (international units) daily of natural vitamin D3.

A California study determined that up to 40,000 IU supplemented daily for a short term was not toxic. Your body automatically stops D3 production when sunshine or other UVB rays have your D3 level maxed out.

Instead of relying on frequent mammograms or prostate checks that have proven to give false reads and actually increase cancer risks, boost your vitamin D3 intake with more sunlight exposure to bare skin and/or supplements.

You may wish to check with 25(OH)D testing and decide your dosage from there, or trust your intuition. Try to get the 25(OH)D test from a holistic doctor who understands vitamin D3's implications.

So the vitamin D3 protection plan works for serious diseases as well as maintaining your immunity to help prevent colds and flues. Sunshine is free and vitamin D3 supplements are inexpensive. This is a very cost effective cancer protection plan.

Sources for this article include:

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Video: Jimmy Fallon, Jay Leno take shots at Thanksgiving

>>> it's a holiday week but there's no rest for the late-night comics.

>> let's check them out.

>> you know, today is the busiest travel day of the year, i don't know if you knew that. people have been getting ready for these trips for a long time. in fact, two weeks ago general petraeus ' wife told him to start packing.

>> traffic in new york city is worse than any traffic i've ever seen in my entire life, especially during the holidays. every -- i'll tell you what? you know what it's like? it reminds me of chris christie . it tells me how it reminds me of chris christie . every major artery is clogged.

>> some people have been camped outside of stores for days now to get a good spot in line for what they call door buster sales. this what makes lining up for a "twilight" movie reasonable.

>> let's take a look at the pros and cons of the macy's thanksgiving day parade .

>> pros, getting to see snoopy in the dog house float. con, seeing job petraeus in there with him.

>> old geezer, and you have to guess whether it's the neck of an old geezer or a turkey neck .

>> all right.

>> turkey.

>> how many say turk i?

>> take a look.

>> got to go. hey, made turkey it's try and crazy do me a favor and pass the gravy and all or the once ain't so tasty i'm never ever, ever wear an ugly sweater we will never ever wear an ugly sweater.

>> holiday gear on display.

>> the shirt you gave me last year. that's the shirt


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Plot/Story Discussion.

A Dream Within Eden

The bright new era has dawned, a paradise has been found. But what happens when chaos and corruption threaten to ruin it all?


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This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?A Dream Within Eden?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.

Here is where those who are a part of A Dream Within Eden, can share and discuss among us all about plots and additional story lines. If you have ideas or suggestions, please post them here and this way everyone can voice their opinion and ideas. Please be considerate and polite, no flaming, no bashing.. etc etc. Follow standard forum rules. xD

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i don't like double posting, but felt this should be known to the roleplayers. Some info on Eden/Gehenna, and important to the plot.. Or at least I feel it is. Kuroe is the one who created this part, mainly I think for his characters, but also I feel its important for The Raven and Master Eldorado. So yeah.. Added this info for you all. And props and thanks to Kuroe. He has been a major help with helping me create this RP, he helped get what I wanted and saw in my head for this RP... Yeah.. I'm really happy.. and currently exhausted. But I think I got everything I need to now.

Okay, so when the first settlers arrived at the ruins of the underground city beneath the dome which would become Eden, by burrowing underground like in minecraft, they found very advanced machinery which was lying in a dormant state.
It was in a state of great disrepair, however, but the head of the newly formed excavation and recovery team, a scientist now called "mother" in the rp, found the dome's purpose: to eliminate any impurities that might be harmful to life, as well as effectively destroying most electronic instruments within its area.
Beneath it was a vast underground city, where machinery used to support the dome dwelled
The experiments and mission to restore the city and technology to working order was named "El Dorado".
After a year or so, traces and references of two AI were found in the logs on the computers which had been brought back to life.
One of these was recovered a month later by the team, on the very lowest level of the underground city. It was an AI linked with the mechanisms powering the whole of the area, in the form of a girl. It was fully robotic, but somehow, after being restored to working order, had a mind equal to that of a human.
Her memory banks were corrupted and she held no outside knowledge other than how to power and control the areas below the surface. The dome, though, remained outside their reach. Literally, too. It was locked from the inside and out. However, the AI remembered one thing: that her "brother" the second AI was lying somewhere in the dome, and that he could help them.
The team, then following some directions in schematic blueprints they found of the dome, managed to bypass the system and make their way into the heart of the dome to the main control terminal, where they found a boy, not unlike the first AI, plugged into the machines and rendered immobile. Upon powering the machines, the AI woke up and demonstrated its ability of complete control over every aspect of the dome, including the growth of life. This machine prove to be more advanced than anything seen below the surface. It was a bio-integrated machine that spanned the whole of the dome. The memory of the computers and the second AI remained completely intact, and it was revealed that the purpose of the first AI was to do maintenance on the dome, and that she had little control over anything outside the city underground.
After this, the team managed to restore the city, which had fallen into disrepair as well, nearly to complete working order. It was decided that "Mother" would take charge of keeping the city's heart a secret and keeping the AIs in working order. She also had to keep them separate, as they both showed a desire to be together, and let the male AI out of his confinement. He still, however, continued to make the city work as long as he was plugged into the mainframe.

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Commodities, profit hopes push TSX to two-week high

gained 0.7 percent to C$58.95. Royal Bank edged up 0.2 percent to C$57.95.

The Canadian banks have mostly outperformed the broader market over the past month, helped by optimism that their consumer lending and trading businesses will churn out strong profits despite concerns about a housing slowdown and turmoil on international markets.

"Part of that is going to be fundamentals-based but it's partly going to be also based on the sentiment of risk-on/risk-off," said Bill Horton, chief investment officer at MD Physician Services.

Resource companies were also broadly stronger as commodity prices rose <.trjcrb>.

Talisman Energy climbed 3.8 percent to C$11.68, Barrick Gold gained 1.3 percent to C$35.19, and Canadian Natural Resources advanced 1.1 percent to C$27.94.

The Toronto Stock Exchange's S&P/TSX composite index <.gsptse> ended up 60.14 points, or 0.49 percent, at 12,213.24. Eight of its 10 main sectors were up. Earlier, the index touched 12,229.77, its highest level since November 12. The TSX ended the week almost 3 percent stronger.

Optimism about a deal to help Greece, hopes that U.S. lawmakers can agree on a solution to avoid a fiscal crisis, and data showing an improving global economic outlook have driven a rally in riskier asset markets this week.

"Our base scenario is similar to what the Bank of Canada is espousing and that is we're looking at a relative containment of the problems in the euro zone and a relative containment of the potential fallout from a U.S. fiscal cliff," Horton said.

Greece said on Friday the International Monetary Fund had relaxed its debt-cutting target for the country, suggesting lenders were closer to a deal for a vital aid tranche to be paid. But other sources involved in the talks cautioned the funding gap was far bigger than Greece suggested.

Separately, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said confidence was returning to the euro zone, and governments must implement reforms to secure the bloc's future.

With U.S. trading ending early at 1:00 p.m.(1800 GMT) on Friday, volume on both sides of the border was light. About 191 million shares changed hands on the Toronto Stock Exchange, compared with a daily average of 281.9 million in October.

"I don't think minds are in the market, especially here in Toronto with the Grey Cup (Canadian Football League championship), shopping, Black Friday, you name it ... nobody's around," said Sal Masionis, stockbroker at Brant Securities.

"Monday will be getting back to reality."

On the downside, Research In Motion was one of the biggest drags after a stunning gain the previous session. After surging 17 percent on Thursday on the back of optimism about the prospects for the company's soon-to-be-launched BlackBerry 10 smartphones, RIM shares were down 3.3 percent at C$11.61.

(Reporting by Claire Sibonney; Editing by Peter Galloway)


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Friday, November 23, 2012

Watch: Ultrasound Scans Catch Fetal Yawns

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There is no video on the monitor, but sound can be heard.


When powering on the unit for the first time, if not connected via component into a monitor there may be no picture visible. To correct this, the HDX video output must be changed. To change the video output without being able to see the screen, do the following:

  1. Verify the Eagle Eye Camera is plugged in to the Camera 1 input
  2. Power the HDX on
  3. Aim the remote control AT THE CAMERA.
  4. Press and hold the ?Display? button, located in the top left corner of the remote control for approximately five seconds.
  5. The LCD screen on the remote will read ?Display? and after approximately five seconds the display on the remote control will show an output.
    1. Composite
    2. S-Video
    3. VGA
    4. Component
    5. DVI
  6. Press the right arrow key. The remote control will read ?Done? on the LCD screen

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All businesses try to help their teams sell. Selling is, after all, the primary focus of most businesses. Some see selling as the endgame, others as one of the means to other corporate goals ? shareholder value for example. Selling is a dominant force in determining culture and operation.

Which has helped ?sales enablement? become a critical focus for marketing organisations.

But supporting sales isn?t push-button. At MTD spend quite a bit of time working out not just what to produce to support sales, but how to support them, the kind of sales teams we?re working with ? and what they need to be supported in. Businesses have a wide variety of channels they need supporting from us in:

  • Small in-house sales teams supporting remote sellers
  • Extended teams conducting sophisticated engagement ? needing lead gen, pipeline management etc
  • Increasing exploration of online sales models
  • Social and digital, CRM programming, digital body language analysis (seldom properly explored internally)

The businesses we work with all need support in some, or all, of these areas to have better conversations with any audiences, whether directly with consumers, with resellers, or other businesses.

So far so straightforward. But while we?re driving sales enablement and equipping sales teams, it?s easy to forget the other half of the equation. Buyer behaviour. The way people buy has changed fundamentally, driven by digital channels, smart technology and a culture of self-determination. All buyers, business and consumer, dislike being sold to. They want to choose freely, with absolute clarity, 24/7.

What does that mean in practice? First, it means (according to Harvard Business School) that traditional sales ? on which a lot of businesses focus 100% of sales enablement ? now amount to only 15% of the entire buying process. Second, it?s resulted in buyers wanting something different: challenge. Challenger sales, as we cited in a previous blog, are now far more effective than traditional ?relationship? selling ? 34% effective, according to Gartner, as against 9%. ?

It?s amazing that despite clear evidence that the nature of buyers and thus sales has changed, many businesses aren?t addressing their sales enablement processes.

We meet this need by making Sales Enablement part of a bigger story: Buyer Enablement. That means we do much more than give sales teams tools and help them with engagements (though we do that a great deal as well); we define the entire buyer journey, map the perfect channels and create the best content to engage them with, and work with everyone in their services ? in sales, customer service, marketing ? to help them do more. At the same time we create ways, through every tool, technology and channel, for buyers to discover, trust and buy from our clients, wherever and whoever they are.

This is sales enablement, for today?s bigger, faster world. A new way to overcome obstacles and succeed in a crowded, hard to penetrate market. By doing something most of the competition isn?t ? and looking beyond the normal.

So what?s the relevance for you? Well, as businesses look to streamline their sales and marketing organisations (whilst addressing the challenges presented by changing buyer behaviours) we believe that Buyer Enablement creates a more effective and efficient operation ? delivering greater relevance to your buyers and moving more potential buyers to your brand.

To discuss how MTD can support your business, get in touch here ? or reach out to us on Twitter @MTD_agency and #buyertobrand.?


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Brain waves encode rules for behavior

Thursday, November 22, 2012

One of the biggest puzzles in neuroscience is how our brains encode thoughts, such as perceptions and memories, at the cellular level. Some evidence suggests that ensembles of neurons represent each unique piece of information, but no one knows just what these ensembles look like, or how they form.

A new study from researchers at MIT and Boston University (BU) sheds light on how neural ensembles form thoughts and support the flexibility to change one's mind. The research team, led by Earl Miller, the Picower Professor of Neuroscience at MIT, identified groups of neurons that encode specific behavioral rules by oscillating in synchrony with each other.

The results suggest that the nature of conscious thought may be rhythmic, according to the researchers, who published their findings in the Nov. 21 issue of Neuron.

"As we talk, thoughts float in and out of our heads. Those are all ensembles forming and then reconfiguring to something else. It's been a mystery how the brain does this," says Miller, who is also a member of MIT's Picower Institute for Learning and Memory. "That's the fundamental problem that we're talking about ? the very nature of thought itself."

Rules for behavior

The researchers identified two neural ensembles in the brains of monkeys trained to respond to objects based on either their color or orientation. This task requires cognitive flexibility ? the ability to switch between two distinct sets of rules for behavior.

"Effectively what they're doing is focusing on some parts of information in the world and ignoring others. Which behavior they're doing depends on the context," says Tim Buschman, an MIT postdoc and one of the lead authors of the paper.

As the animals switched between tasks, the researchers measured the brain waves produced in different locations throughout the prefrontal cortex, where most planning and thought takes place. Those waves are generated by rhythmic fluctuations of neurons' electrical activity.

When the animals responded to objects based on orientation, the researchers found that certain neurons oscillated at high frequencies that produce so-called beta waves. When color was the required rule, a different ensemble of neurons oscillated in the beta frequency. Some neurons overlapped, belonging to more than one group, but each ensemble had its own distinctive pattern.

Interestingly, the researchers also saw oscillations in the low-frequency alpha range among neurons that make up the orientation rule ensemble, but only when the color rule was being applied. The researchers believe that the alpha waves, which have been associated with suppression of brain activity, help to quiet the neurons that trigger the orientation rule.

"What this suggests is that orientation was dominant, and color was weaker. The brain was throwing this blast of alpha at the orientation ensemble to shut it up, so the animal could use the weaker ensemble," Miller says.

Eric Denovellis, a graduate student at Boston University, is also a lead author of the paper. Other authors are Cinira Diogo, a former Picower Institute postdoc, and Daniel Bullock, a professor of cognitive and neural systems at BU.

Oscillation as consciousness

The researchers are now trying to figure out how these neural ensembles coordinate their activity as the brain switches back and forth between different rules, or thoughts. Some neuroscientists have theorized that deeper brain structures, such as the thalamus, handle this coordination, but no one knows for sure, Miller says. "It's one of the biggest mysteries of cognition, what controls your thoughts," he says.

This work could also help unravel the neural basis of consciousness.

"The most fundamental characteristic of consciousness is its limited capacity. You only can hold a very few thoughts in mind simultaneously," Miller says. These oscillations may explain why that is: Previous studies have shown that when an animal is holding two thoughts in mind, two different ensembles oscillate in beta frequencies, out of phase with one another.

"That immediately suggests why there's a limited capacity to consciousness: Only so many balls can be kept in the air at the same time, only a limited amount of information can fit into one oscillatory cycle," Miller says. Disruptions of these oscillations may be involved in neurological disorders such as schizophrenia; studies have shown that patients with schizophrenia have reduced beta oscillations.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology:

Thanks to Massachusetts Institute of Technology for this article.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Video: Obama, lawmakers to meet next week on fiscal cliff

>> at @tamronhall and @newsnation. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. [ whispers ] real bacon... creamy cheese... 100 calories... [ chef ] ma'am [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.

>>> we're working on this budget. we're going need ate lot of prayer on that.

>> that was president obama , of course, talking this weekend about efforts to avert that so-called fiscal cliff. the president spoke while touring a monastery in thailand with a buddhist monk , later explaining he believes in prayer and if a buddhist monk is wishing him well, he can take whatever good vibes he can. white house and congressional negotiators planned to hold talks all week while the president is in asia and congress is in recess. new proposals are then expected to be discussed when president obama and congressional leaders meet again next week and after congress returns. got that? that's your calendar. right now house democratic leader nancy pelosi insists there's no deal without tax hikes on the wealthy, while republican leaders stand firm against raising any tax rates .

>> is that something that's acceptable?

>> no.

>> not at all, no way?

>> nochlt. the president made it clear in his campaign that there are not enough -- what you just described is a formula and a blueprint for hampering our future.

>> tax increases to chase ever-higher spending is a fool's errand. what we need to do is have that balanced approach which is increasing revenues through a process of tax reform and then spending reductions.

>> and joining me now live is democratic congressman john yarmouth of kentucky, a member of the house budget committee . thank you for your time.

>> absolutely.

>> you heard those two countering opinions on where this is going. i want to throw this in the mix. a short time ago, a couple hours ago house majority whip kevin mccarthy said that nancy pelosi and the president are not on the same page. he referred to even the dollar amount of what is considered wealthy referring to the may proposal from pelosi at a million dollars or more as opposed to 250,000 we're talking about right now. is there divide?

>> i think that right now we see a lot of positioning for the negotiations, but i've been one who has been in line with speaker pelosi or leader pelosi on that for a long time. that there's nothing sacrosakt about the $250,000 number. the white house is very, very strict about that. i think there are a lot of ways that we could negotiate somewhere between that number and incomes over a million dollars a year. i offered an amendment in the budget committee just to raise the tax rates back to clinton era rate on incomes over a million dollars. every republican voted against them. we'd love to talk about another number if the republicans were willing to talk about any number.

>> that is an interesting point there. to further point out in this interview, mr. mccarthy says that pelosi , his words, keeps changing the game plan . what do you make of this assertion that the ball keeps moving as negotiations have just started?

>> well, again, i think we're seeing a lot of posturing now. one of the things that i keep asking of the republicans is, where have they ever taken one step toward us? one inch? they have never been willing to take a step. they say we need to compromise, find middle ground and all that sweet talk. they never move out of their end zone . this is what's been so frustrating about the negotiations. the president put forth a number of proposals last year, two and a half cuts to a dollar in revenues. four dollars to one dollar. they weren't willing to come one dollar, one dime. that's frustrating. the game keeps changes, but i don't think from our side.

>> the plan to attack the immediate issue regarding taxes that go up, and then focus on entitlements and some of the other concessions that may come aahead here? you hear or we hear two lines of thought. people who want to rush this in which seems impossible before the end of the year or take it piecemeal together for something perhaps larger?

>> well, i think, tamron, there are so many elements or issues that have to be resolved. i doubt we can get them done by the end of the year. the senate passed a resolution to the tax issue and we have to vote on that. if speaker boehner can deliver 25, 30 votes, we'd supply the rest of them. there's an easy and quick answer to that. the rest of it, the amt, the farm bill , there are many tax issues besides just the income tax rate we have to resolve, too. i worry about the estate tax done and other ones done if we can, and then push the other matters to next year.

>> thank you so much for your time. we greatly appreciate it. talk with you soon, hopefully. thank you.

>> thank you.


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Bengals roll over Chiefs, are thinking playoffs


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 4:29 p.m. ET Nov. 18, 2012

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - The Bengals punt team trotted onto the field midway through the first quarter Sunday, shortly after the Chiefs had kicked a field goal to take a rare lead in a game.

All the momentum was going Kansas City's way.

Then the snap landed in the hands of Cedric Peerman, who was lined up to protect punter Kevin Huber. The running back raced around the side of the line, the perfectly executed fake catching the Chiefs napping, and 32 yards later gave Cincinnati a first down.

New life, too. The Bengals would convert another fourth down on the same series, and Andy Dalton would hit A.J. Green with a short touchdown pass to cap it off, giving Cincinnati a lead it would never relinquish in a 28-6 victory on Sunday.

"It was a momentum-swinger," running back BenJarvus Green-Ellis said. "That's the thing about the NFL - most of the games are decided by a few points. When you get a momentum-swinger like that where you punch them right in the gut, it swings the momentum going your way."

Dalton wound up with 230 yards passing, including another TD throw to Mohamed Sanu, and also scampered for a score. Green had six catches for 91 yards, and Green-Ellis bullied his way for 101 yards and a touchdown on the ground as the Bengals (5-5) won their second straight.

Cincinnati plays its next four games against teams that began the day with losing records.

None of them are as bad as the Chiefs, though.

Jamaal Charles had 87 yards rushing for Kansas City (1-9), but that was the only highlight for a team that lost its seventh straight amid a gloomy backdrop at Arrowhead Stadium.

The Chiefs' once-raucous home venue was only about half-full most of the game, and a good portion of those who showed up were dressed in black - a grass roots effort organized by fans who have been trying to pressure team ownership to clean out the front office.

"I focus on the game. I don't get into the crowd," Chiefs coach Romeo Crennel said.

Perhaps he should have let his eyes wander.

What happened on the field couldn't have put him in a good mood.

Dalton and Green shredded Crennel's porous pass defense, Ellis pounded away at a front line that had played better of late, and a middle-of-the-road Cincinnati defense looked like an iron curtain against a Kansas City offense that has been utterly inept.

The result: The Bengals are back to .500, and eying back-to-back postseason appearances for only the second time in franchise history, while the Chiefs have dropped seven straight games in a single season for the first time since Oct. 5-Nov. 23, 2008.

"We felt like we gave a couple of games away," said Dalton, who had four TD passes in last week's win over the Giants. "Now we've got momentum and we've got to keep it going. We've had two great wins, full-team wins, with everybody doing their part, and we've got to keep that going."

The Chiefs struck first for the second straight week, turning several nice runs by Charles into a 34-yard field goal by Ryan Succop, before reality set in again.

That's when the Bengals pulled off their faked punt, converted another fourth down and then saw Dalton cap the drive with a 5-yard fade pass to Green, who managed to stab the ball with one hand and then slap both feet into the end zone before falling out of bounds.

Peyton Hillis fumbled on the Chiefs' ensuing possession, their league-leading 31st turnover this season, but they dodged trouble when Mike Nugent missed a 50-yard field-goal attempt.

Cincinnati made it 14-3 later in the second quarter when Dalton fooled the entire Kansas City defense on a perfectly executed naked bootleg. The 1-yard TD run came on fourth down after a video review showed that Gresham had been stopped just shy of the goal line on a 10-yard catch.

The Bengals' most impressive drive of the game came after they forced the Chiefs to punt for the third straight time, an 11-play, 78-yard masterpiece in which they faced third down once.

Ellis capped that one off with a short touchdown plunge for a 21-3 lead.

Matt Cassel deftly led the Chiefs to a field goal in the closing seconds of the half, but Crennel elected to put backup Brady Quinn into the game at quarterback to start the third quarter.

Cassel sustained a concussion earlier this season, and then lost his job to Quinn, who was active for the first time since sustaining his own concussion Oct. 28 against Oakland.

Quinn didn't fare much better leading the Kansas City offense, and the Bengals tacked on Sanu's touchdown catch in the fourth quarter to seal the win.

"We did good things in all three phases," Bengals coach Marvin Lewis said. "We knew it was going to be a grind. We can't worry about things around us. We just have to take care of us."

NOTES: Bengals CB Terence Newman left with a concussion. Chiefs WR Dwayne Bowe (neck) and left tackle Branden Albert (back) also were hurt. ... The Bengals were 3 for 3 on fourth down. ... DT Geno Atkins forced two fumbles, had a sack and led Cincinnati with six tackles. ... Cassel and Quinn combined to go 17 of 30 for 188 yards.


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? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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