Thursday, July 26, 2012

Debt Management Services

Debt Management Services and Financial Health Check-up Services

Let's understand what is debt: When you borrow money from someone individual or from bank as a loan, it is called as debt, debt will be Nil only when you re-pay all the money back. If you are finding it difficult to re-pay then you have a problem and you should work out to fix this issue.

Let's understand what is debt management: Dept management is to manage our debt effectively and re-pay the debt without affecting our finance. For effective debt management, budgeting is required, without budgeting (Income and Expenditure calculation) you may get into financial crisis.

Many people requires to take loans to setup business, buy home, buy car, for higher education etc. But some may not be able to re-pay the loan due to worst circumstances.

If you have taken any loan and finding it difficult to re-pay or having difficult in managing your finances, then you should go for your financial health check, like we do our health check-up. Our financial health directly or indirectly impacts our physical health.?

If you do not want to pay for financial health check then do an income and expense calculation in excel sheet and plan your finance in a way that stop spending unusual (not required) things.

Our Legal Rights:
As per RBI Rule, debt collectors team cannot use unfair, deceptive, or abusive language behaviour to collect debt from anyone. You can take help of your lawyer.

Check out testimonials of people who had faced financial crisis.
Click here to apply for Credit Information Report (CIR) Online from Credit Bureau either CIBIL, Experian or Equifax to know how much loan you can get and also check if their is any error, mistakes in credit information report. CIR Report cost 470/- Rs.
CIBIL Stands for Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited.



1: Debt Negotiation and Settlement Services ?

?6,999/ Rs.

2: Financial Health Check Up ???????????????

?4,999/ Rs.

3: Credit History And Repair Services ??????

?5,999/ Rs.

I think everyone should apply and get the CIR Report first before applying for any loan, people who own credit card or had credit card previously also should apply for CIR report to know if their is anything outstanding (pending) which you might not be aware of.?

I think debt management is must for everyone.


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