Sunday, July 29, 2012

Researchers analyze melting glaciers and water resources in Central Asia

Researchers analyze melting glaciers and water resources in Central Asia [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Jul-2012
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Contact: Annina Sorg
Universit de Genve

After the fall of the Soviet Union twenty years ago, water distribution in Central Asia became a source of conflict. In areas where summer precipitation is low, glaciers play an important role when considering the quantity of available water. The Tien Shan region is a prime example; mountain glaciers in this region contribute significantly to the fresh water supply in the arid zones of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Northwestern China. Like Switzerland, Kyrgyzstan serves as a water tower for its neighboring countries.

While the impact of climate change on glaciation and water flow in the Tien Shan Mountains has already been the subject of studies, a consistent and local perspective of collected data has never before been presented. The results of this research, led by the l'UNIGE, show that the retreat of glaciers is more pronounced in peripheral areas, where summers are dry and melting ice and snow are key sources of water.

Glaciers are losing their surface every year

The glaciers in the Tien Shan Mountains cover a surface of over 15,000 square kilometers, equivalent to one third of the surface area of Switzerland. In recent decades, these glaciers have lost between 0.1% and 0.8% of their surface per year; a decrease comparable to that of alpine glaciers. The largest retreat was observed on the periphery of the Tien Shan Mountains, near the major cities of Almaty, Bishkek, Tashkent and rmqi. "In the summer, glaciers are the only source of fresh water for irrigation and household consumption in these regions," said Annina Sorg, first author of the study and researcher at the ISE (UNIGE) and at the Institute of Geology of Bern University. "The intensification of glacial melting strongly affects the quantity and seasonal distribution of water. Initially, the retreat of glaciers is going to increase the available water resources, but if precipitation doesn't compensate for the losses related to glacial retreat, the reduction of glacier volume will eventually reduce the amount of available water."

The researchers proceeded to analyze a series of measurements based on many parameters related to climate, glaciers, and streamflow in order to compare this data with existing information. Although these studies have revealed a clear tendency toward a reduction in streamflow during the summer, the impact of melting glaciers on the annual flow remains unclear. "Many factors can have an influence on water quantity," explains Annina Sorg. "Precipitation level, evaporation, and even human interference on the hydrological cycle are all factors to consider."

Long-term projections

The scenarios envisioned by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predict a 4% to 8% increase in winter precipitation in Central Asia by 2050. Summer precipitation, however, will decrease by 4% to 7%, which will exacerbate the drought during the summer. Especially since, according to estimates, temperatures could rise by almost 4C in the next forty years.

According to projections, the Tien Shan Mountain glaciers will continue to lose their surface and volume in the coming decades.

In summary, certain Central Asian streams would move from a glacio-nival hydrological regime to a pluvio-nival regime, which would increas uncertainty regarding interannual variations in water levels, since they would be largely dependent on precipitation. Economic and political tensions in this area of the world would be added to the potentially disastrous environmental consequences.


The ACQWA project

ACQWA (Assessing Climate Impacts on the Quantity and quality of WAter, 2008-2013) is a European project which aims to quantify the influence of climatic change on river discharge and to analyse the impact on society and economy in mountainous regions such as the Alps, the Andes and the Tien Shan mountains. Coordinated by professor Martin Beniston and his team at the UNIGE, ACQWA gathers 35 research teams in Europe, Central Asia and South America and benefits from a 11 million swiss francs budget.

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Researchers analyze melting glaciers and water resources in Central Asia [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Jul-2012
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Contact: Annina Sorg
Universit de Genve

After the fall of the Soviet Union twenty years ago, water distribution in Central Asia became a source of conflict. In areas where summer precipitation is low, glaciers play an important role when considering the quantity of available water. The Tien Shan region is a prime example; mountain glaciers in this region contribute significantly to the fresh water supply in the arid zones of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Northwestern China. Like Switzerland, Kyrgyzstan serves as a water tower for its neighboring countries.

While the impact of climate change on glaciation and water flow in the Tien Shan Mountains has already been the subject of studies, a consistent and local perspective of collected data has never before been presented. The results of this research, led by the l'UNIGE, show that the retreat of glaciers is more pronounced in peripheral areas, where summers are dry and melting ice and snow are key sources of water.

Glaciers are losing their surface every year

The glaciers in the Tien Shan Mountains cover a surface of over 15,000 square kilometers, equivalent to one third of the surface area of Switzerland. In recent decades, these glaciers have lost between 0.1% and 0.8% of their surface per year; a decrease comparable to that of alpine glaciers. The largest retreat was observed on the periphery of the Tien Shan Mountains, near the major cities of Almaty, Bishkek, Tashkent and rmqi. "In the summer, glaciers are the only source of fresh water for irrigation and household consumption in these regions," said Annina Sorg, first author of the study and researcher at the ISE (UNIGE) and at the Institute of Geology of Bern University. "The intensification of glacial melting strongly affects the quantity and seasonal distribution of water. Initially, the retreat of glaciers is going to increase the available water resources, but if precipitation doesn't compensate for the losses related to glacial retreat, the reduction of glacier volume will eventually reduce the amount of available water."

The researchers proceeded to analyze a series of measurements based on many parameters related to climate, glaciers, and streamflow in order to compare this data with existing information. Although these studies have revealed a clear tendency toward a reduction in streamflow during the summer, the impact of melting glaciers on the annual flow remains unclear. "Many factors can have an influence on water quantity," explains Annina Sorg. "Precipitation level, evaporation, and even human interference on the hydrological cycle are all factors to consider."

Long-term projections

The scenarios envisioned by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predict a 4% to 8% increase in winter precipitation in Central Asia by 2050. Summer precipitation, however, will decrease by 4% to 7%, which will exacerbate the drought during the summer. Especially since, according to estimates, temperatures could rise by almost 4C in the next forty years.

According to projections, the Tien Shan Mountain glaciers will continue to lose their surface and volume in the coming decades.

In summary, certain Central Asian streams would move from a glacio-nival hydrological regime to a pluvio-nival regime, which would increas uncertainty regarding interannual variations in water levels, since they would be largely dependent on precipitation. Economic and political tensions in this area of the world would be added to the potentially disastrous environmental consequences.


The ACQWA project

ACQWA (Assessing Climate Impacts on the Quantity and quality of WAter, 2008-2013) is a European project which aims to quantify the influence of climatic change on river discharge and to analyse the impact on society and economy in mountainous regions such as the Alps, the Andes and the Tien Shan mountains. Coordinated by professor Martin Beniston and his team at the UNIGE, ACQWA gathers 35 research teams in Europe, Central Asia and South America and benefits from a 11 million swiss francs budget.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Justin Bieber Writes For Selena Gomez's Next Album

The song, one of the first Bieber produced himself, is 'really, really dope,' according to, who got an exclusive preview.
By Jocelyn Vena

<P><a href="">Selena Gomez</a> might not be using her next album as a <a href=" ">Justin Bieber</a> "tell-all," but that doesn't mean she's ruled out having her beau write a tune or two for her as she preps work on the 2013 release.</P><P>News of the duo's musical collaboration came via another artist <a href="/news/articles/1690336/will-i-am-justin-bieber-willpower-album.jhtml">Bieber recently worked with,</a>. "He taps me on the shoulder ... 'Yo, I want to show you this song I produced and wrote. I'm really excited about it because it's one of the first songs I produced by myself,' " his pal shared in an interview with "New Music Live," <a href="" target="_blank">Ace Showbiz</a> reports. The Black Eyed Peas' leading man then gave the track, which Bieber played for him, two thumbs up.</P><P></p><div class="player-placeholder right" title="Selena Gomez Wants To Collaborate With Fun. And Taylor Swift" id="vid:790228" width="415" height="255"></div><p></P><P>"The song was dope," <a href=""></a> said. "He was like, 'Yeah, I wrote it for Selena. It's great.' And it was really awesome. It was really, really dope."</P><P>In June, Gomez made it clear that she won't be singing specifically <a href="/news/articles/1688387/selena-gomez-sun-goes-down-album-justin-bieber.jhtml">about Bieber on this next release</a>: "It's not going to be necessarily, 'Here's my tell-all,' " she said. "It's going to be more of something that people could say, 'It could be that or it could be this or it could be that.' At the end of the day, I only make my music because I want it [to] be really fun, and if I could have people dance to it, relate to it, have a good time, that's all I want."</P><P>In addition to her boyfriend, Gomez has reportedly also worked with Toby Gad and Rock Mafia. A release date for the next batch of tunes has yet to be announced.</P><P><a href=""><img src=""></a></p>

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The Swallow

I had a dream I owned a bird, a playful little swallow,
And everywhere I seemed to go, this bird did seem to follow.
I'd stroke his beak, he'd sing for me, and whistle loud and clear.
Yet this bird that I did love was cause for all that I now fear.

For through this bird I found we spread a most peculiar thing;
A plague upon mankind did this small bird appear to bring.
Where I would walk, and he would too, they'd drop dead left and right,
his airborne pathogen did seem to cause their mighty plight.

I stayed inside with birdie-dear, whose name I can't recall,
And watched outside as everyone would stumble, groan, and fall.
But fallen though they seemed they proved that dead they would not stay,
For after but an hour, they would rise again to prey.

These things, no longer flesh and blood, did terrorize the rest,
Those frightened few that pathogen had not seemed to infest.
With teeth and claws and screams they would devour all in sight,
But their hunger went unsated, and they feasted through the night.

We did hide for a time unsure of what we should next do,
that bird and I who'd seemed to be the cause for this new flu.
But we grew hungry too and knew we could no longer wait
For all these monsters to die off or their hunger to abate.

So taking up my crowbar we did leave our wretched home
And smashed in every skull of every horror that did roam.
We'd pillage stores and houses for whatever we could find,
But tried as though we did, we never found our peace of mind.

And so all our days were spent simply fighting to survive,
And all our nights I'd cower until morning would arrive.
And through the nights did I but question one imposing thing;
How did I escape the death my feathered friend did seem to bring?

My physicality had ne'er before proven itself a boon.
I was lanky, pale, and scrawny, and yet somehow was immune?
How had I, of all plain people, survived my little birdie's curse?
And so one night I did ask him, put my rhetoric in verse.

I said "Birdie-dear, you do not know of all the death you've wrought,
All the sickness and the suffering your tiny frame has brought.
You've pushed mankind to extinction, and I fear I'm all that's left,
And I wonder how, alone, I've lived through all you have bereft."

"Could it be that you're protecting me for giving you my care?
Could it be my simple love for you has spared me this affair?
I know you cannot answer, but I'd really like to know
How through thick and thin I've persevered through sickness, death, and woe?"

To my surprise, he answered me, his little voice like mine.
It appeared as though our intellects had somehow intertwined.
And what "he" said still haunts me, even though I'm now awake.
He'd cooed, "My dear, this event did you for I beseech to make."

"This nightmare I have wrought was brought upon by none but you,
These hellions' affliction did your rage and hatred stew.
My part in this was nothing more than outlet for your deed,
Within you did it fester, and through me your anger freed."

"Before you thought that no man could appease your troubled mind.
They were vile, they were selfish; even worse, they were your kind.
I saw the burden all the animus within you had but placed,
And so all your loathing did I seek to have erased."

"The method, though perverse, has done for you a twisted deed;
Through the annihilation of your race, of your antipathy you're freed.
No longer is there man for you to hate, loathe, or despise,
For all that you have ever scorned has met its sad demise."

"Though inherently you did not hate all men, you will still find
That within them lurked those traits that, like the others, had maligned.
Now you are all that's left to speak for what your hate has bred,
And alone you will remain until you, yourself, are dead."

And with that, I crushed my little bird, 'til all his bones did break,
Even though inside I knew that it was not his voice that spake.

I had a dream I owned a bird, a playful little swallow,
And everywhere we seemed to go, soon death did seem to follow.


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Homeschooling has Many Advantages for the Education of Children ...

The most obvious is that you, the parents, to tailor education specifically targeted at special needs of your child makes. Also allows you to teach in a style that fits your child ? as we all know, different people learn better in different ways. When you decide to homeschool is important to remember that and be a parent, you are now taking over the role of the teacher. This is of course no responsibility to be taken lightly, and you should make every effort to provide the best teacher you can be.

Everyone has the experience of having good and bad teachers. If you stop and think about it, I think you see some things that you are good teachers who have in common. The important thing is that they are really interested in their field. Nothing makes a better teacher than the enthusiasm for the subject. I think you?ll also notice that most of you have a bad teacher is not interested in the subject they teach. It is for this reason it is important that the experience of homeschooling that interest you and your child.

While your child?s education should come first when creating curriculum homeschooling, you will not be ashamed to think about your own education as well. When we look at things to learn in specific subject areas, think about the things you?re interested in activities that you could not so much to discover as you like when you were at school.

It can not be underestimated how valuable experience is to learn with your child. You will strengthen family bonds, and mutual interest and excitement in the subject make sure your child to retain the information. One way to do this is to understand the balance between rigidity and flexibility in homeschooling curriculum.

A certain amount is needed in the general curriculum formalness: You have a purpose and a plan in which certain things must be learned. But their schedule, you have a high degree of flexibility, and you must use it to your advantage. When studying literature, for example, understand that the goal is to read good literature and learning, not necessarily to a particular book. So instead of studying the ?standard? new you have read, consider a new book for you. With both you and your child are interested in the book, the experience of reading together are fun for both of you because you are both satisfied with the outcome.

This concept does not apply only to the literature, think of things in science or music, for example that you always wanted to know about. If you are sure that you are interested in the subject well, your child will feel your enthusiasm and interest in the topic, provide a more valuable educational experience.


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Friday, July 27, 2012

Video: Should You Buy Facebook?

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Simple Is Now Available To The Public, Cofounder Alex Payne Moves On

Screen Shot 2012-07-25 at 10.11.08 PMThere is nothing more broken than the payments/banking system, which makes me and everybody else root for payments (and more!) startup Simple (formerly BankSimple). We all hate our banks and, especially if you are in SF, we constantly hope that the future will be better. And, again if you're like me, Simple is your great white hope: A Mint that won't sell out and actually is responsible for your money, a banking interface that actually makes interacting with the your lifetime quantitative?value enjoyable and intelligible? Sure, count us in.


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The Government Is Destroying Small Business Innovation Through ...

Home ? Administration ?

Small businesses are responsible for employing half of all private sector jobs and have created 65% of all jobs over the last two decades. That?s why it is amazing that Obama would alienate such a large part of the American electorate with his now infamous, ?You didn?t create that? comment in Roanoke, VA last week.

Looking beyond the biggest campaign misstep of the year, however, it?s clear that President Obama has never been FOR the private sector, especially small business. His promise that we would never cross the 8% unemployment threshold has now been a proven lie for over 3 years straight as over 23 million are unemployed, underemployed, or have just given up looking.

Much of this can be attributed to businesses not sure how to proceed with Obama at the helm.? With the Bush tax cuts about to expire, high gas prices, and more government regulation than ever, small business is looking for an advocate in the White House, not another obstacle. They want stability so they can get back to hiring and producing.

House Majority Whip, Rep. Kevin McCarthy recently put out this video which highlights the story of Arnie Kaufman and his Ohio based manufacturing business. Acting as a case study for small business in general, Kaufman explains that as capital is swallowed up by a rise in taxes and an expansion of regulation the growth of his business is directly and adversely affected.

While the Obama administration claims that the expiration of the Bush tax cuts will have minimal effects on the small business community, the numbers paint a different picture. If all Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire, over 80% of people will see their taxes increase. Even if some compromise is reached with only the top brackets losing the tax breaks, small businesses are sure to feel the effects.

Ideally, the tax cuts would be made permanent or given a long-term extension to provide businesses an idea of how to best plan and move forward. Even a one-year extension is obviously better than expiration. As Obama himself has said, ?the last thing you want to do is raise taxes during a recession because that would just take more demand out of the economy put businesses in a further hole.? Maybe the President can take his own advice.


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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Best Civil War sites for history buffs

Courtesy of the Gettysburg Convention & Visitors Bureau

The Gettysburg National Military Park frequently hosts "living history" weekends, when volunteers, in full costume, re-create skirmishes.

By Ann Shields, Travel + Leisure

No matter how compelling a Ken Burns documentary can be, nothing beats standing on a Civil War battlefield for bearing witness to those four bloody years.

Slideshow: See the best Civil War sites

?Antietam?s the most evocative and scary battle site I?ve ever been to, and the only place I?ve ever felt a ?presence,?? says John Barton, a Virginia photographer and Civil War junkie. ?Much is the same as that day: there are still surrounding farms and unspoiled views of the Blue Ridge, so seeing the famous landmarks ? the Cornfield, the Sunken Road ? has a devastating power.?

Millions of Americans seek out that kind of visceral connection at Civil War sites annually, and the next few years are the time to visit as special events commemorate the conflict?s 150th anniversary. The National Park Service set up a?dedicated website?and launched a Twitter feed,?@CivilWarReportr, that tracks the war?s development (?June 27, 1862: Our line gives way! We flee for the bridges to our rear as the cavalry attempts to stop the advance and save our artillery?; ?July 7: A found newspaper reports the Federals have levied a tax on income above $600. Someone must pay for this war?).

For play-by-play commentary on the battlefield, you can hire an NPS-licensed guide at Gettysburg or Vicksburg to ride along for two-hour car tours. Parks also typically offer self-guided tours and orientation films and, on summer weekends, invite reenactors to stage skirmishes, decked out with muskets and wool uniforms. Check park websites to schedule your visit to coincide with the reenactments (or not ? a few lonesome hours spent walking the battlefields can be at least as instructive).

The savagery leading up to the war demands revisiting, too: the Slave Trail in Richmond, Va., goes past slave markets, burial grounds and the Devil?s Half-Acre, a jail for ?uncooperative? slaves (operated by a man married to a free African American wife!). In Harpers Ferry, W.V., the righteous anger of those who opposed slavery is palpable at John Brown?s Fort, where a band of abolitionists held federal troops at bay.

You don?t need to be a history buff to get caught up by these vivid stories. So whether you?re planning a road trip dedicated to the Civil War, or just detouring on the way elsewhere, be warned: you may be in for a lifelong obsession.

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Debt Management Services

Debt Management Services and Financial Health Check-up Services

Let's understand what is debt: When you borrow money from someone individual or from bank as a loan, it is called as debt, debt will be Nil only when you re-pay all the money back. If you are finding it difficult to re-pay then you have a problem and you should work out to fix this issue.

Let's understand what is debt management: Dept management is to manage our debt effectively and re-pay the debt without affecting our finance. For effective debt management, budgeting is required, without budgeting (Income and Expenditure calculation) you may get into financial crisis.

Many people requires to take loans to setup business, buy home, buy car, for higher education etc. But some may not be able to re-pay the loan due to worst circumstances.

If you have taken any loan and finding it difficult to re-pay or having difficult in managing your finances, then you should go for your financial health check, like we do our health check-up. Our financial health directly or indirectly impacts our physical health.?

If you do not want to pay for financial health check then do an income and expense calculation in excel sheet and plan your finance in a way that stop spending unusual (not required) things.

Our Legal Rights:
As per RBI Rule, debt collectors team cannot use unfair, deceptive, or abusive language behaviour to collect debt from anyone. You can take help of your lawyer.

Check out testimonials of people who had faced financial crisis.
Click here to apply for Credit Information Report (CIR) Online from Credit Bureau either CIBIL, Experian or Equifax to know how much loan you can get and also check if their is any error, mistakes in credit information report. CIR Report cost 470/- Rs.
CIBIL Stands for Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited.



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I think everyone should apply and get the CIR Report first before applying for any loan, people who own credit card or had credit card previously also should apply for CIR report to know if their is anything outstanding (pending) which you might not be aware of.?

I think debt management is must for everyone.


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An Olympic Athlete&#39;s Diet | Health and Fitness, Wellness and ...

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Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes for the Summer Games ...

Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

All eyes will turn to the United Kingdom in the coming days as thousands of athletes and countless fans from hundreds of nations will flock to London for the 2012 Summer Olympics. The United States is no stranger to accommodating the grand international sporting spectacle, having hosted three summer games. So, in a salute to the U.S. athletes and venues that have had a part in the Olympics of yesteryear, brings you a historical stroll down Gold Medal Lane.

Originally awarded to Chicago, IL, St. Louis ended up hosting the third ever international sporting event thanks to some serious arm-twisting by organizers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. A total of 91 events in 17 different sports were hosted at five different area venues, during a time period that overlapped with the 1904 World?s Fair, another international event which just so happened to be taking place in the very same city.

Francis Field ? Clayton, MO

Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

Francis Field, now a National Historic Landmark, was the main venue for the 1904 games and played host to events in 11 different sports, including the now defunct Olympic events, roque, a variation of croquet played on a hard surface, and tug-o-war.

Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

Obviously, quite a bit has changed since 1904. Francis Field is now an event stadium for Washington University for track and field, football and soccer, while Clayton itself is a thriving cultural suburb of St. Louis, where the average listing price is currently hovering around $708,000.

Found within the affluent Clayton neighborhood of Carrswold, the priciest home in the area currently lists for $3.5 million. Set on a lot of 1.2 acres, the 8,527-square-foot Tudor Revival property features a total of six bedrooms and eight baths, along with fine finishes and touches, an au pair suite and an additional attached apartment above the garage.

Forest Park ? St. Louis, MO

Considered the ?heart of St. Louis? thanks to attractions like the St. Louis Zoo, Saint Louis Art Museum, Science Center, and History Museum, Forest Park was not only used as the main hub for the 1904 World?s Fair, but also the location for Olympic diving, swimming and water polo events.

Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

With a rooftop terrace that overlooks Forest Park, this particular penthouse suite, listed for $2.4 million, might be the finest property in the area. Measuring some 3,850-square-feet with three bedrooms and four bathrooms, the contemporary pad offers tremendous views of the St. Louis Arch and other landmarks thanks to a substantial use of floor-to-ceiling glass.

Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

The year was 1984. Playing the part of Olympic host, Ronald Reagan waved his presidential pom-poms, as Sam the Olympic Eagle symbolically flew overhead, to kick-off the ?84 games in Los Angeles. With 140 nations on hand in sunny SoCal, the Soviet Union, Cuba and East Germany not included, the U.S. put its many ?Stars in Motion? to bring home 83 gold medals and 174 medals overall.

Lake Casitas ? Ojai, CA

For canoeing and rowing events, the Olympic planners opted to head roughly an hour north of the greater Los Angeles area to Ojai Valley?s Lake Casitas. It was there that the U.S. men?s and women?s teams would medal an impressive eight times, including a pair of golds in rowing.

Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

The site of U.S. medal winners, Lake Casitas and Ojai Valley also boasts its fair share of gold medal properties, including this breathtaking estate and ranch located atop the winding Sulphur Mountain Road. Set on a jutting promontory, the property, listed for $9.95 million, offers the pinnacle viewpoint for soaking in the surrounding Los Padres National Forest, the lake and, when clear of overcast, the Pacific Ocean.

Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

Shoreline Marina ? Long Beach, CA

The Long Beach Shoreline Marina was built in 1983 specifically with competitions in mind, and the venue ended up as the site of one of the biggest aquatic events at the ?84 games: sailing. Making a strong statement for the host country, U.S. sailing teams would take home three gold and four silver medals in seven different class events.

Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

Today, Long Beach Shoreline Marina is home to some of the area?s finest luxury estates, including this $9 million waterfront property in the well-to-do Naples enclave. Beyond pristine views of the harbor and surrounding waterways, those millions will get you a whole lot of luxury home, including nearly 8,000-square-feet of living space, dockage for a pair of boats, a wine cellar, spa and fire pit.

Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

1996 Summer Olympics ? Atlanta, GA

In 1996, Atlanta heeded the centennial call, playing host of the Olympic Games to a record 197 nations. It was an inspiring showcase from the start, with Muhammad Ali surprising the masses to light the Olympic torch during the opening ceremonies, and the U.S athletes following the ?Summon the Heroes? mantra to the tune of 44 gold medal finishes and a 101 medals overall.

Georgia International Horse Park ? Conyers, GA

More than 600,000 fans flocked to the Georgia International Horse Park in Conyers to take in Olympic events ranging from equestrian to mountain biking to modern pentathlon competitions. It was there that celebrated horse trainer Michael Martz would ride Rhum IV to a silver medal during the show jumping equestrian event.

Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

Since the ?96 games, the areas around the Georgia International Horse Park saw major growth, especially in terms of residential development. Still, as one can imagine, ranch homes and equestrian estates such as Hallelujah Ranch are the predominant properties in the area. Set on 63 acres, the $1.95 million horse property boasts a sprawling terrain with a spacious main home, three stocked ponds, a barn and all the essentials for a happy, well-trained horse.

Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

Georgia Dome ? Atlanta, GA

It?s tough to live up to the expectations of the ?92 Olympics? ?Dream Team?, a mashup of NBA All-Stars considered to be the greatest collection of players ever. However, both the men?s and women?s ?96 ensembles did not disappoint, smashing their way to gold medals in front of the throng of fans who packed the seats of the Georgia Dome.

Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

With slam dunks views of downtown Atlanta, this loft is a major contender in any residential event. Listed for $1.5 million, the four-floor property features a ?Dream Team? of luxury amenities, including a gourmet kitchen, elevator and the ultimate and-one, a rooftop deck.

Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

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First Step In Your PPC Campaign Venture |

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

The internet has a lot of benefits to offer to business owners and entrepreneurs. The people who are discovering the power and opportunity that they can get from the web is greatly increasing. Online shopping is changing the habits of shoppers. To avoid the line and squeezing in a crowd of people, they just go to their computers and look for online stores. It?s fast and convenient. With this new behaviour, one can only take the opportunity to market one?s goods and services to these people. There are a lot of methods that you can do to effectively advertise your business. One of the most common and highly successful methods is starting a PPC campaign. PPC means pay per click. You may find that the first step to this strategy is quite easy but can be quite hard if you have a well-organised management system to follow. If you know how to handle it, this can

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

James Holmes may have sent shooting plans to school

Accused movie theater shooter James Holmes may have mailed a notebook to his school detailing his plans to carry out a massacre, sources say.

The notebook that is believed to have been written by Holmes was mailed to the University of Colorado, where Holmes had been a student until dropping out last month, ABC News has learned.

Fox News reported that the notebook was mailed to a specific psychiatrist at the university and that it contained "full details about how he was going to kill people, drawings of what he was going to do in it, and drawings and illustrations of the massacre."

There are conflicting reports on whether the notebook arrived at the university before or after the massacre, but it was found on Monday during a search of the mailroom, ABC News learned today.

Holmes is believed to have walked into the Aurora, Colo., theater dressed in riot gear and brandishing at least three weapons at the front of "The Dark Knight Rises" movie premiere around midnight on Friday. He allegedly set off two smoke bombs before opening fire on the movie theater patrons with an assault rifle, shotgun and a handgun.

Twelve people died and 58 were wounded in the carnage.

The university has not confirmed the existence of the note, but issued a statement saying that the "Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus can confirm that the suspicious package discovered at the Facilities Services building on Monday, July 23, 2012, was delivered to the campus by the United States Postal Service that same day."

Discovery of the package prompted the evacuation of the building for about 90 minutes starting at 12:26 p.m., the school said.

The school also refused to say whether Holmes was seeing a psychiatrist. Campus officials have insisted they handled the Holmes case correctly.

"To the best of our knowledge, we did everything we should have done," the statement read.

The detail of the mailed notebook adds to other information emerging about Holmes' troubles at the University of Colorado, where he spiraled down from a successful and apparently happy student to an accused mass murderer in a matter of months. He reportedly struggled academically in the PhD program he enrolled in last fall.

On June 7, hours after he took a key oral exam which, according to ABC News affiliate KMGH, he failed, Holmes went out to a sporting goods store and bought a high-powered rifle, adding it to his growing arsenal.

Three days later he withdrew from the PhD program with no explanation.

Experts have told ABC News that it's possible Holmes has a mental illness that was exacerbated by the stress of failure.

Holmes was arrested in the parking lot outside the Aurora theater after the shooting. He was wearing a gas mask, bullet proof helmet and vest, and all black clothing, and told the police that he was the "Joker," a character from the Batman movie, "The Dark Knight."

Holmes will be arraigned July 30 in Aurora District Court.

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Five Things You Should Consider Trademarking and Why | Allen ...

There are many companies that need trademark help in San Diego, but unfortunately, many of them don?t even know it. If you own a business, create a product or sell a service, chances are you have developed something that should be trademarked, but it?s just never occurred to you. These are just a few of the things you should consider trademarking if you haven?t already:?

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  2. Your Brand Name ? Perhaps you have a brand name that differs from your company name. The name of your brand could even be your own name. If you want to keep this name unique to your brand, make sure to trademark it.
  3. Your Company?s Logo ? There?s nothing stopping anyone from stealing the logo your designers worked so hard to come up with if you haven?t bothered to get it trademarked.
  4. Your Slogan ? If you?ve come up with a catchy slogan for your advertisements, marketing and branding efforts, you should trademark it before someone else takes it as their own.
  5. Your Product or Service ? If you offer a unique product or service that no one else has thought of yet, you really should at least find out if you can have it trademarked so you?ll benefit from your invention.?

When it comes down to it, trademarks are about making sure credit is given where credit is due. Someone else could always inadvertently give their company, brand or product the same name as yours. Even if they are in a different city and working in a different industry than you and your company, the mix-up could be bad for business (especially when people search for you online). Firms such as Janathan L. Allen, APC are able to provide expert trademark help in San Diego, so individuals, companies and organizations can rest assured that their logo, brand name and slogan are protected. Once you have trademarked one of these pieces of intellectual property, you and your company will have exclusive rights to its use.?

Competition is fierce in the world of business, no matter what kind of business you?re in. Registering a trademark with professional help from an experienced firm provides a strong defense against competitors who might otherwise rip off your ideas.

For assistance with your trademark needs or for any legal advice with a trademark, please give us a call at (866) 493-5400 to schedule a complimentary, initial consultation with one of our legal professionals.


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Monday, July 23, 2012

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ABC exclusive: Video of Holmes emerges

Federal authorities and local police today are scouring James Holmes' apartment for evidence as a newly released video gives some insight into the man who allegedly killed 12 people and injured 58 people at a packed screening of the latest Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises."

Overnight, ABC News obtained exclusive video and photos of Holmes. The video was recorded six years ago when Holmes was 18.

In the video, he is standing among his peers at a science camp at Miramar College in San Diego talking about "temporal illusions."

"Over the course of the summer I've been working with a temporal illusion. It's an illusion that allows you to change the past," Holmes said in the video.

He appears slightly nervous speaking to the group but also extremely intelligent.

By most accounts, Holmes lived the life of a normal teen ? with a particular interest in science.

This was how he was introduced at the seminar: "His goals are to become a researcher and to make scientific discoveries. In personal life, he enjoys playing soccer and strategy games and his dream is to own a slurpee machine."

Though Holmes was apparently a gifted scientist who had received a federal grant to work on his Ph.D. at one of the most competitive neuroscience programs in the country, he was a loner who -- oddly for a young scientist -- seemed to have no Internet presence.

Officials Saturday said they now have "evidence of calculation and deliberation," in the way he allegedly planned and prepared for the shooting, beginning to buy weapons and ammunition two months ago.

Holmes is originally from San Diego, where he once reportedly worked as a camp counselor for underprivileged children. He was an honors student at Westview High School, but did not walk in his graduation ceremony.

Holmes, 24, is currently in custody for Friday's massacre in Aurora, Colo.

Dressed in full riot gear, Holmes allegedly entered from an emergency exit in the front right corner of the theater before releasing something that witnesses identify as tear gas or a smoke bomb. From there, he allegedly sprayed the sold-out theater with a storm of bullets, injuring and killing both adults and children.

Among the dead include: Micayla Medek, 23; Alex Sullivan, 27, who was attending the movie for his birthday; Ohio native Matt McQuinn; Alex Teves, 24; Alexander J. Boik, 18; Rebecca Ann Wingo, 32; and Gordon W. Cowden, 51.

Two other people died at the hospital, including 24-year-old aspiring sportscaster Jessica Ghawi. Police said 30 people remained hospitalized with 11 of them in critical condition. Bullets from the shooting spree tore through the theater and into adjoining theaters, where at least one other person was struck and injured.

John Larimer, a member of the Navy, was also confirmed by his family to be among the dead. The family said they were notified at their Illinois home around midnight today by a Navy notification team that Larimer was dead.

Staff Sgt. Jesse Childress was an Air Force reservist assigned to units at Buckley Air Force Base in Colorado was killed in the shooting. He was 29. Air Force Lt. Col. Pat Walsh said that Childress was respected in the 310th Force Support Squadron.

Military veteran Jonathan T. Blunk of Aurora, Colo., was killed as he threw himself over a friend to keep her from getting shot. The 26-year-old worked at a hardware store.

Veronica Moser-Sullivan, 6, was killed, according to The Associated Press. The girl's mother, Ashley Moser, 25, is in critical condition after she was shot in the throat and abdomen, said her aunt, Annie Dalton.

Aurora Police Chief Daniel Oates announced Friday that Holmes had purchased four guns at local shops and more than 6,000 rounds of ammunition on the Internet in the past 60 days.

Inside James Holmes' Apartment

Overnight, new pictures have emerged of several explosions in a Colorado field where investigators took chemical materials recovered from Holmes' apartment.

Crews reportedly transported the materials by dump truck to the field so that they could be ignited -- and determined if they were in fact explosives.

Federal authorities and local police have now pulled all of the potential explosives from Holmes' apartment after gaining entry and eliminating potentially explosive traps Saturday.

The apartment, about 800 square feet contained several trip wires rigged to trigger explosions.

Scattered throughout the living room were 30 explosive devices - including jars with chemicals and 30 shells with explosive powder - similar to large fireworks.

Bomb squads carefully neutralized the two main threats at the entrance of his apartment using a "water shot" and remote-controlled robot.

Oates said the suspect's intentions were clear.

"What we're seeing here is some evidence of calculation and deliberation," Oates said. Holmes was an honors student and Ph.D. candidate at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. He was enrolled in the graduate program in neuroscience until he voluntarily withdrew from the program in June.

He was one of six recipients of a Neuroscience Training Grant from the National Institutes of Health, which funds pre-thesis Ph.D. students in the neuroscience program at the Anschutz Medical Campus.

According to the university, the focus of the program is on "training outstanding neuroscientists and academicians who will make significant contributions to neurobiology."

He reportedly failed a preliminary exam before pulling out of the program, according to ABC News' Denver affiliate KMGH-TV. It is unclear if the exam was related to his decision to leave the program.

KMGH was told that even if Holmes did fail the exam, he would not have been kicked out of the program because students have an opportunity to improve their grades with an oral exam.

"I don't know any of that and I don't know that we have any of that information on him," Anschutz Medical Campus spokeswoman Jacque Montgomery told

The university said Holmes gave no reason for asking to withdraw from the program.

Last year, Holmes applied to the University of Arizona, according to statement by the school, but was rejected, KPHO-TV in Phoenix reported.

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Alt-week 7.21.12: Outer space, flying hotels and federal trolls

Alt-week peels back the covers on some of the more curious sci-tech stories from the last seven days.

Alt Week

Whether you've got your head in the clouds, or your feet firmly locked on terra firma (or is that terrorist firma?) the last seven days in Alt have something for you. We look at a massive aircraft, that could revolutionize air travel as we know it, as well as look back at a real-world project that heralded a significant shift even further up in the sky. There's the NASA logo that never came to be, and lastly, for those less fond of heights, we hear how a US government department is heading in the other direction -- albeit culturally -- all in the fight against terror. This is alt-week.

Continue reading Alt-week 7.21.12: Outer space, flying hotels and federal trolls

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Alt-week 7.21.12: Outer space, flying hotels and federal trolls originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 21 Jul 2012 14:30:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Blinky stays with me

The author can let most books go. But not this one.

By Jeff Shaffer / July 19, 2012

The most important book I own isn't on a shelf with my other reading favorites. It's safely tucked in the top drawer of my dresser, and every time I open the drawer a tiny white puppy stares happily at me from the bright red cover.

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The title is "A New Playmate." I rate it "most important" because it's the first book I brought home, and it sparked an appreciation for having my own books and building a personal library that has lasted more than 50 years.

The slim little volume was produced by Whitman Publishing as part of a series called Tiny Tales. It came into my possession sometime between the autumn of 1957 and spring of '58. I was in nursery school, and one day the teacher said she had a surprise for us and handed out the books. If you're thinking, "Wait, kids that age wouldn't know how to read yet," you'd be correct. The teacher read the story to us out loud while we followed along and looked at the pictures.

I loved the illustrations instantly. In 13 briskly paced pages, we learned about two children, Donny and Mary, who greet their father as he arrives home from work and are delighted to learn he's brought home a puppy in his jacket pocket. The puppy blinks a lot and the kids name him Blinky.

My copy has numerous crimps and creases on the front and back covers, and every bit of that wear and tear was inflicted by me. (Thumbing through paper pages is one big reason I will always prefer books to e-readers.)

The dimensions of "A New Playmate" are just right for kids in the nursery school demographic: 4 inches tall by 3-1/4 inches wide. Call me fussy, quirky, or just odd, but my opinions about any book I encounter are still influenced by its size and weight, and how "hand friendly" it feels.

I do recall being slightly disappointed that every kid in the class got the same item. Whenever I see a stack of books, I expect to find variety. It's a trait I can truthfully say began on the day Blinky made his appearance.

My reading habits ranged across a variety of genres during my school years, and other books saved from that period show the territory I explored. Several paperback collections of articles from Fate Magazine ("True Stories of the Strange and the Unknown") show evidence of water damage. That's because I had a youthful habit of reading while soaking in a hot bath, and occasionally I lost my grip. Another advantage real books have over the electronic versions: They can be dried out and read again.

Decade after decade, books mark the path of the reader's interests and attitudes as they develop, change direction, or settle into a pattern. One of my patterns is to keep two or three "reads" in progress simulta-neously. I like to bounce around among multiple titles, depending on my mood. It's another aspect of my continuing quest for variety.

I also have books about World War II, Korea, and Vietnam that are filled with notes I've scribbled in the margins. A piece of advice I give all aspiring op-ed writers is that anytime you make an assertion about a controversial subject, be prepared to quickly cite a reliable source who can back you up if somebody calls you out. My annotated books are ready and waiting for such challenges. And, not to be a nattering nabob of negativism about this, but you can't scribble notes in the margins of an e-reader.

I've held onto books that are connected to special moments in my life and books that my parents read when they were young, all of them infused with memories that resonate every time I flip through the pages.

Care must be taken, however, not to get trapped in the past. While I enjoy having one wall of my basement lined with bookshelves, keeping every volume I ever bought wouldn't be useful or practical. Once read, I believe most books should move on to another reader. I hope that each one I put back into circulation will become a memo-rable chapter in someone else's life.

I've seen Tiny Tales books offered for sale online, including copies of "A New Playmate," but that's one option I'd never pursue. An ongoing literary adventure started the day I brought that little book-puppy home. How could I possibly consider sending him off to live with some other family now? No way. Blinky stays with me.


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About Matthew Anderson

Matthew Anderson is a 20 year veteran of the currency market, having worked as a senior trader and analyst at some of the world?s leading international banks. In addition to overseeing fundamental and technical research at, Matthew is involved in the blog and video blog. Matthew has also published numerous articles on short-term trading strategies and risk management.


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Saturday, July 21, 2012

BBC - Wales History: Hunting Twylia

Back in April 2012 I received an email from a lady called Kathy in Newport, after appearing on BBC Radio Wales' Jamie & Louise programme.

Kathy and her husband Stuart met in Singapore in the 1950s. She was stationed there while working as a telephonist in the WRAF and he was in the RAF. Kathleen Dymond and Stuart MacKay married at Changi in 1959 and their bridesmaid was Kathy's best friend Twylia Worlund.


Where are you Twylia?

Twylia was an American working in the naval department at the American Embassy. Kathy and Stuart haven't seen or heard from her in over 50 years. As time has passed, address books were lost and different continents crossed.

Kathy looked upon Twylia as a sister and was very keen to find out what had happened to her, which is why she asked me for help.

Kathy thought Twylia was the same age as her, so born around 1937. She might have been from a small town, in either Wisconsin or Minnesota, and her first name may have been of Welsh origin. But Kathy quickly added that they were far too busy having fun at the time to talk about home or their families!

As usual I leapt at the chance, simply assuming that it would be easy with such an unusual name, even though Kathy wasn't too sure about the correct spelling of Worlund.

How wrong could I be?

Worldwide access on did not throw up any immediately obvious candidates, which can often be the case with American research if you don't know the state and other more specific details. There was also nothing on the family trees posted online or on Genes Reunited.

I did find a Twylia Dailey who died in Winsconsin in 1998, but she was born in 1973, which was far too young for our Twylia.

So I turned to Google for help and quickly found two very relevant and helpful organisations.

First I sent an email to the RAF Changi Association. Alongside their email addresses and rank and trade, they had very helpfully given the dates of when they were based at Changi and I could see that several of the key members had been stationed there between 1957 and 1959, which fitted perfectly with Kathy and Stuart's dates.

Their reply was instant and positive: "This is what the RAF Changi Association is all about, trying to connect old comrades with one another, bringing them together and others with reunions," they said.

They agreed to post some photos that Kathy had sent me of her 21st birthday held at Changi RAF base in 1958.

Kathy's 21st Birthday Party

Kathleen Dymond, Twylia Worlund, Elaine (surname unknown but an American) and Paddy McNamee (later Mitchell)

Memories of Singapore organisation offered a similar service and so I jumped at the chance to spread the search for Twylia further. Their site contains many photographs and images contributed by people who lived in Singapore during the 1960s and early 70s, including a section on RAF Changi.

But I still can't for the life of me find Twylia and I need help.

Perhaps you recognise the other people in the photographs and maybe, just maybe, they can lead us to Twylia.

Ronald M Mitchell AKA

Left to right : Ronald M Mitchell AKA "Mitch", Kathy, "Mo" Mosely and Stuart Mackay. Mo & Mitch were part of the security guard detail at the US Consulate.

Please contact me if you know where Twylia is now or if you think you can help in any way.

Cat will be joining Jamie and Louise on BBC Radio Wales on Tuesday 24 July 2012 from 9am.


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Scientists connect seawater chemistry with climate change and evolution

Friday, July 20, 2012

Humans get most of the blame for climate change, with little attention paid to the contribution of other natural forces. Now, scientists from the University of Toronto and the University of California Santa Cruz are shedding light on one potential cause of the cooling trend of the past 45 million years that has everything to do with the chemistry of the world's oceans.

"Seawater chemistry is characterized by long phases of stability, which are interrupted by short intervals of rapid change," says Professor Ulrich Wortmann in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Toronto, lead author of a study to be published in Science this week. "We've established a new framework that helps us better interpret evolutionary trends and climate change over long periods of time. The study focuses on the past 130 million years, but similar interactions have likely occurred through the past 500 million years."

Wortmann and co-author Adina Paytan of the Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of California Santa Cruz point to the collision between India and Eurasia approximately 50 million years ago as one example of an interval of rapid change. This collision enhanced dissolution of the most extensive belt of water-soluble gypsum on Earth, stretching from Oman to Pakistan, and well into Western India ? remnants of which are well exposed in the Zagros mountains.

The authors suggest that the dissolution or creation of such massive gyspum deposits will change the sulfate content of the ocean, and that this will affect the amount of sulfate aerosols in the atmosphere and thus climate. "We propose that times of high sulfate concentrations in ocean water correlate with global cooling, just as times of low concentration correspond with greenhouse periods," says Paytan.

"When India and Eurasia collided, it caused dissolution of ancient salt deposits which resulted in drastic changes in seawater chemistry," Paytan continues. "This may have led to the demise of the Eocene epoch ? the warmest period of the modern-day Cenozoic era ? and the transition from a greenhouse to icehouse climate, culminating in the beginning of the rapid expansion of the Antarctic ice sheet."

The researchers combined data of past seawater sulfur composition, assembled by Paytan in 2004, with Wortmann's recent discovery of the strong link between marine sulfate concentrations and carbon and phosphorus cycling. They were able to explain the seawater sulfate isotope record as a result of massive changes to the accumulation and weathering of gyspum ? the mineral form of hydrated calcium sulfate.

"While it has been known for a long time that gyspum deposits can be formed and destroyed rapidly, the effect of these processes on seawater chemistry has been overlooked," says Wortmann. "The idea represents a paradigm shift in our understanding of how ocean chemistry changes over time and how these changes are linked to climate."


University of Toronto:

Thanks to University of Toronto for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

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