Monday, March 18, 2013

The Law You Don't Want To Break - Abundance And Prosperity

Tags: success, attraction, motivational, self improvement, self improvement and motivation, finances, spirituality, inspirational

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What is abundance and prosperity for you? Is it the bed fellow of the man that speeds by in his luxury car? You look at their jet setting lifestyle and you think, why do all the breaks happen to them and not to me? I can tell you right now it's because of what you just said. That is having a poor man mindset. You will find in this article how changing the way you think can change your life. A good life is not only for the select few, it's for you.

Let us define abundance. Abundance is an overflowing fullness of supply in every area in our lives. When you are amply supplied with more than you need, you are indeed prosperous. Do not ever think this is reserved only for the elite and intelligent because it's not. If you desire it and are willing to do what it takes; then you too can have a life that overflows.

Did you ever stop to consider that despite its 'age', the universe continues to grow in proportions incalculable to man's sophisticated tools? How about nature with the constant evolution of its plant and animal species? This is the law of abundance at work. Even if resources seem to be running out, there is always, always more than there is lack.

Your mind determines the fate of your prosperity. Remember, the world keeps churning out vast resources of wealth and you have to make it your occupation to realize this. Your perspective will either help you or fail you here. If you see all the things you do not have and look at the world as a limited center for riches--then you may never move out of your state in life. Conversely, if you choose to think positive no matter what and open yourself up for opportunities available in the world; then you can soon take your place with the great ones on earth.

What energy are you drawing to yourself? If there is a lack in your life, investigate the preexisting thoughts you have regarding that matter. If you think every virus that there ever was will be coming to get you; surprise, you will be sick a lot of times. This doesn't mean throw away your doctor's card if you are actually sick-positive thinking (emphasis on the latter word) and reasonable prudence is a wise way to live. Make a choice to focus on good things and do your best to work out whatever else that needs to be done.

The thoughts you have are more than insubstantial daydreams that you engage in to pass time. It is powerful and highly charged. Think about prayer. This act involves your heart, mind and spirit to bring to pass your life's desires. The law of abundance operates by receiving these 'vibrations' from your inner man to the physical world, commanding the manifestation to appear. Use this tool to your advantage and you will discover the results will prove it true.

Remember, your needs and desires are valid and it is part of being alive. The good news is provision has already been made for you. There is only a decision you need to make today: go on your life like the rest of the world; or dare to aim for abundance and prosperity and live a full life because of it. It's not that hard really, choose the latter and you will never regret it.

About the Author

Zoe Smith learned the secret to attractwithing wealth is to operate within the principles of the law of abundance. Get helpful withinformation on Abundance and Prosperity and how you can make it work for you today.

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