Thursday, February 21, 2013

UAW Vote Narrowly Approves Agreement to Expand Work at Brook Park Ford Plant

Driving on I-71 in recent years, you had to wonder how much life the Ford Plant in Brook Park had left in it. The massive facility lost the Cleveland Cassting Plant and Cleveland Engine Plant 2 was later demolished leaving behind a sea of nothingness on a property that once employed 15,000 area residence. Ford Motor Company is giving Cleveland Engine Plant 1 a new lease on life when they will announce that will produce a new 4 Cylinder Eco Boost engine that will employee roughly 750 additional workers at the facility bringing the total to nearly 1,800 factory workers.

The United Auto Workers Local 1250 had to get approval from their membership and did so by the narrowest of margins at a meeting last night. 292 UAW workers voted yes, while their were 289 nay votes cast. Some longtime workers are still upset at the tier system put in place by the old contract and are angry that despite record profits, the company hasn't raised their pay in recent years and instead of issued bonuses linked to performance.

The news is very welcome in Brook Park who will see a big bump in payroll taxes while area businesses will likely get an increase in traffic with the new workers coming on board.


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