Monday, December 31, 2012

PFT: Sanchez says Jets 'destined for great stuff'

Philadelphia Eagles v New York GiantsGetty Images

In a development that arguably says as much (or as little) about the Eagles? players as it does about Mike Vick?s leadership skills (or lack thereof), Vick lambasted his soon-to-be former teammates on Monday.

Per, Vick complained about the players? ?lack of effort,? which he described as ?very evident.?

?It?s all about focus, dedication and commitment,? Vick said. ?Until you get guys who are willing to better themselves week in and week out and want to win, you?re not going to win.? And I haven?t played with guys like that.? It?s unfortunate for coach thing turned out the way they are.? It could have been a lot better.? This locker room could have dictated that.?

It?s ironic, to say the least.? Vick was precisely that guy for the first six years of his career.? And some believe that he has reverted to being complacent since putting together an MVP-caliber performance in 2010.

Vick said the lack of effort from the other players ?pisses [him] off.?

And Vick said that he?s not to blame.? ?I give 110 percent effort,? Vick said.? ?My body is scarred up all year.? I?m hurt, I?m bruised, get up after every hit and still try and fight and push.? I do that for my coaches.? I do that for my teammates.? And I would expect the same thing in return.?

Vick admitted that the outcome arose at least in part from his failure to assert himself in the locker room.

?I should have done it,? Vick said.? ?But I tried to take the modest approach, I tried to lead by example.? I held a team meeting and tried to help guys recommit.? It was still the same thing over and over again.? I?m not going to tell a grown man the same thing twice because the reason I ended up incarcerated was because people told me the same thing over and over again and I didn?t listen.? I feel like if you don?t learn in the first go-around, you disregard it.? You just deal with the consequences because there will always be consequences.?

But here?s where Vick?s logic falls apart.? Vick was in the past surrounded by a bunch of ?yes? men and enablers.? A football team commands leadership ? and it holds accountable those who don?t respond.

Ultimately, Vick?s remarks aren?t the ideal way to persuade other teams that he?s suited to provide leadership in a new city.


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Former President George H.W. Bush moved out of intensive care

(Reuters) - Former President George H.W. Bush's condition has improved enough for him to be moved out of the intensive care unit and into a regular room at the Houston hospital where he was admitted more than a month ago, a spokesman said on Saturday.

Bush, 88, was admitted to Methodist Hospital on November 23 with bronchitis, and he was moved into the intensive care unit last Sunday after suffering a number of medical complications, including a persistent fever.

"The Bushes thank everyone for their prayers and good wishes," the family said in a statement from the former president's spokesman, Jim McGrath.

McGrath said on Friday that Bush's condition was improving and that he was even singing at times in his communications with doctors and nurses.

Bush, the 41st U.S. president, was in office from 1989 to 1993 and is the father of former President George W. Bush. In a political career spanning four decades, Bush, a Republican, also served as a congressman, ambassador to the United Nations, envoy to China, CIA director, and vice president for two terms under Ronald Reagan.

Bush has lower-body parkinsonism, which causes a loss of balance, and has used a wheelchair for more than a year.

(Reporting and writing by Alex Dobuzinskis; Editing by Steve Gorman and Peter Cooney)


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Explosions across Iraq kill at least 10, wound 46

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Explosions across Iraq killed at least 10 people and wounded 46 on Monday, police said, amid a growing political crisis that is inflaming sectarian tensions.

Seven people from the same family were killed by bomb blasts near their home in the town of Mussayab, south of Baghdad.

In the Shi'ite majority city of Hilla in the north, a parked car bomb went off near the convoy of the governor of Babil province, missing him but killing another person, police said.

A series of blasts in Iraq's disputed territories, over which both the central government and the autonomous Kurdish region claim jurisdiction, killed three people.

Two of those deaths were in the oil-rich, ethnically mixed city of Kirkuk, where a bomb exploded as a police team tried to defuse it.

Violence in Iraq has eased since the carnage of 2006-2007, but attacks still take place on an almost daily basis.

(Reporting by Ali al-Rubaie in Hilla, Mustafa Mahmoud and Omar Mohammed in Kirkuk, and Ali Mohammed in Baquba; Writing by Isabel Coles; Editing by Pravin Char)


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GlobalSign Showcases Online Trust & Security Solutions at the ...

New Delhi, India (PRWEB) September 27, 2012

GlobalSign (, one of the leading providers of digital certificates worldwide, today announced that it will be exhibiting its range of website and document security solutions at the NullCon exhibition in Delhi, India. As a WebTrust accredited Certificate Authority, GlobalSign has been dedicated to providing high security Digital Certificate solutions since 1996, and recently opened a new office in New Deli to increase the availability of its solutions to the Indian market.

The Indian economy is booming and as more businesses bring their services online, security concerns such as Internet fraud and phishing are on the rise. The number of active SSL Certificates in India has doubled in the last two years (, as web owners become more aware of these risks and seek technologies to mitigate such threats. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificates help organisations protect their websites by encrypting data sent to the server and show customers the well known trust indicators such as displaying https instead of http, the padlock, and the green address bar in the case of Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates.

GlobalSign aims to support businesses in implementing high security levels on their websites and in their networks. The NullCon Exhibition represents an ideal opportunity for GlobalSign to introduce its solutions to security professionals from the leading enterprises in India and exchange views on best practices. Amongst others, GlobalSign will showcase its enterprise platforms, which facilitate the management of digital certificates for website security, network authentication, email encryption and document signing. Digital certificates can be issued, reissued, cancelled and renewed from a single account, allowing administrators significant time and cost savings.

We are looking forward to exchanging ideas with security professionals and hearing about their security concerns, says Paul Tourret, Managing Director of

ommerce, cloud and mobile it is essential for us to ensure we are able to help businesses respond to the security threats that arise when adopting these new technologies.

To find out more about our innovative products please do not hesitate to meet our team of experts at Stand S2 at the NullCon Exhibition at in the LEELA KEMPINSKI Hotel from the 26th to the 29th of September 2012.

About GMO GlobalSign

GlobalSign has been a trust service provider since 1996. Its focus has been, and always will be, on providing convenient and highly productive PKI solutions for organisations of all sizes. Its core Digital Certificate solutions allow its thousands of authenticated customers to conduct SSL secured transactions, data transfer, distribution of tamper-proof code, and protection of online identities for secure email and access control. Vision and commitment to innovation led to GlobalSign being recognised by Frost & Sullivan for the 2011 Product Line Strategy Award. The company has local offices in the US, Europe and throughout Asia. For the latest news on GlobalSign visit or follow GlobalSign on Twitter (@globalsign).

About GMO Internet Group

GMO Internet Group is a comprehensive provider of industry-leading Internetsolutions including domain name registration, cloud-based and traditional hosting, ecommerce, security, and payment processing services that each hold the top share of their respective markets in Japan. Other key business areas for the Group include online securities/FX trading, Internet advertising, search engine marketing and online research. In 2011 a new Social Media & Smartphone Platform segment was established bringing together group initiatives in social apps development, daily deals and Android app distribution. GMO Internet, Inc. (TSE: 9449) is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. For more information please visit

For further details please contact:


Tags: Delhi, Expo, GlobalSign, NullCon, Online, Security, Showcases, Solutions, trust


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Fewer US banks failing as industry strengthens

WASHINGTON (AP) ? U.S. banks are ending the year with their best profits since 2006 and fewer failures than at any time since the financial crisis struck in 2008. They're helping support an economy slowed by high unemployment, flat pay, sluggish manufacturing and anxious consumers.

As the economy heals from the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, more people and businesses are taking out ? and repaying ? loans.

And for the first time since 2009, banks' earnings growth is being driven by higher revenue ? a healthy trend. Banks had previously managed to boost earnings by putting aside less money for possible losses.

Signs of the industry's gains:

? Banks are earning more. In the July-September quarter, the industry's earnings reached $37.6 billion, up from $35.3 billion a year earlier. It was the best showing since the July-September quarter of 2006, long before the financial meltdown. By contrast, at the depth of the Great Recession in the last quarter of 2008, the industry lost $32 billion.

? Banks are lending a bit more freely. The value of loans to consumers rose 3.2 percent in the 12 months that ended Sept. 30 compared with the previous 12 months, according to data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. More lending fuels more consumer spending, which drives about 70 percent of economic activity. At the same time, overall lending remains well below levels considered healthy over the long run.

? Fewer banks are considered at risk of failure. In July through September, the number of banks on the FDIC's confidential "problem list" fell for a sixth straight quarter. These banks numbered 694 as of Sept. 30 ? about 9.6 percent of all federally insured banks. At its peak in the first quarter of 2011, the number of troubled banks was 888, or 11.7 percent of all federally insured institutions.

? Bank failures have declined. In 2009, 140 failed. In 2010, more banks failed ? 157 ? than in any year since the savings and loan crisis of the early 1990s. In 2011, regulators closed 92. This year, the number of failures has trickled to 51. That's still more than normal. In a strong economy, an average of only four or five banks close annually. But the sharply reduced pace of closings shows sustained improvement.

? Less threat of loan losses. The money banks had to set aside for possible losses fell 15 percent in the July-September quarter from a year earlier. Loan portfolios have strengthened as more customers have repaid on time. Losses have fallen for nine straight quarters. And the proportion of loans with payments overdue by 90 days or more has dropped for 10 straight quarters.

"We are definitely on the back end of this crisis," says Josh Siegel, chief executive of Stonecastle Partners, a firm that invests in banks.

The biggest boost for banks is the gradually strengthening economy. Employers added nearly 1.7 million jobs in the first 11 months of 2012. More people employed mean more people and businesses can repay loans. And after better-than-expected economic news last week, some analysts said the economy could end up growing faster in the October-December quarter ? and next year ? than previously thought.

That assumes Congress and the White House can strike a budget deal to avert the "fiscal cliff" ? the steep tax increases and spending cuts that are set to kick in Jan. 1. If they don't reach a deal, those measures would significantly weaken the economy.

Banks have also been bolstered by higher capital, their cushion against risk. Banks boosted capital 3.8 percent in the third quarter, FDIC data show. And the industry's average ratio of capital to assets reached a record high.

On the other hand, many banks are no longer benefiting from record-low interest rates. They still pay almost nothing to depositors and on money borrowed from other banks or the government. But steadily lower rates on loans other than credit cards have reduced how much banks earn.

"This interest-rate pressure on the banks becomes very difficult to overcome," says Fred Cannon, chief equity strategist and director of research at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods. "It's a big headwind for banks."

Many banks have reported lower net interest margin ? the difference between the income they receive from loans and the interest they pay depositors and other lenders. It's a key measure of a bank's profitability.

The industry's average net interest margin fell to 3.43 percent in the third quarter from 3.56 percent a year earlier.

Some big banks have also cautioned that their earnings are up mainly because they've shed jobs, bad loans and weak businesses rather than because of an improved economy. They include JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co. All managed to recover from the financial crisis in part because of federal aid.

Small and midsize banks have taken longer to rebound. They held risky commercial real estate loans used to develop malls, industrial sites and apartment buildings. Many such loans weren't repaid. But as the economy has strengthened, fewer such loans have soured, and many small and medium-size banks have recovered.

For example, at M&T Bank Corp., a regional institution based in Buffalo, N.Y., net income soared in the third quarter. M&T attributed its gain to reduced loan losses and higher mortgage revenue. The bank repaid the remaining $381 million of the $600 million in bailout aid it had received during the crisis.

Yet analysts say regional banks are still feeling squeezed from reduced borrowing by companies.

Many banks complain they've been hampered by new regulations, especially stricter requirements for the capital they must hold to protect against unexpected losses. Rules enacted after the crisis have compelled some banks to move more capital into reserves and reduce the amount available to lend.

Some of the biggest banks say their customers have held off on borrowing in part because of slower global growth and concern about the "fiscal cliff."

To avoid a collapse, some weak banks have sought mergers with larger institutions. In the July-September quarter, 49 banks were absorbed in mergers, up from 45 in the April-June quarter, FDIC data show.

The torrent of failures after the crisis and the increased mergers have thinned the number of banks to 7,181 with about 2.1 million employees as of Sept. 30. That compares with 8,451 banks with 2.2 million employees in the second quarter of 2008.

"The pressure is on to consolidate the industry," says Siegel of Stonecastle Partners. He thinks more than 1,000 banks will be absorbed within five to seven years.

Consider BancTrust Financial Group Inc., based in Mobile, Ala., with around $1.3 billion in assets. Burdened with bad loans tied to Florida real estate, the bank couldn't repay $50 million in federal bailout aid it received during the meltdown, and it struggled to stay profitable. So it decided to put itself up for sale.

It's now being acquired by Trustmark Corp in Mississippi, which has about $9.9 billion in assets. The acquisition will help Trustmark expand in Florida and Alabama.

"Some of the smaller (banks) are just throwing up the flag," says Cornelius Hurley, a former counsel to the Federal Reserve Board who heads Boston University's Center for Finance, Law and Policy.


To see a list of Bank failures in 2012, view this interactive:


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What sports did they play during the renaissance in England from 14-1600s?

Question :

What sports did they play during the renaissance in England?

Best Solver (Answer):

Answer by Verity
Tennis was very popular among the upper classes.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

White House: no details on Obama plans to tackle violence

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A day after President Barack Obama made an impassioned plea for changes to prevent another gun-fueled massacre in the United States, the White House on Monday declined to lay out any details of what he planned to do or how he planned to do it.

Obama spoke at a memorial service on Sunday for the victims of the mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school and pledged to launch an effort to reduce violence by engaging law enforcement agencies, mental health professionals, parents and educators.

He did not specifically mention gun control or gun enthusiasts, however. After tragic shootings in the past, the president has called for changes without following up with concrete steps.

The White House on Monday declined to flesh out Obama's emotional pledge.

"I don't have a specific timeline for you for what the president will do moving forward," spokesman Jay Carney told a briefing. "I would simply refer you to his remarks last night when he talked about the action he hoped to take to engage the American people ... in the coming weeks."

Carney declined to comment on a proposal by independent Senator Joe Lieberman calling for a commission on violence to be set up.

Despite reiterating Obama's support for a renewal of a ban on assault weapons, Carney also declined to say specifically whether the president would back and help push a proposal that Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein said she would put forward next year to reinstate the ban.

"I'm not going to engage in specific point-by-point policy proposals or prescriptions, but the president, as you know, has long supported reinstating the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004," Carney said. "As the president has said - and I just said - this is a complex problem that requires complex and a variety of solutions."

Carney did say that gun control - a divisive issue in the United States - was part but not all of the answer to address violence after the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut.

"I think it's part of it but it's far from all of it," he said.

Despite not having to run for re-election, tackling guns remains a tricky issue for Obama, who has other policy priorities including immigration reform and deficit reduction in his second term.

(additional reporting by Steve Holland and Matt Spetalnick; Editing by Alistair Bell and Mohammad Zargham)


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Monday, December 17, 2012

Dexter, Season 7

Michael C. Hall as Dexter Morgan and James Remar as Harry Morgan (Season 7, episode 12).

Michael C. Hall as Dexter Morgan and James Remar as Harry Morgan (Season 7, episode 12). Photo by Randy Tepper/Showtime.

Hey Dexter, I have fallen out of love with you. Your leonine scruff hasn?t changed, or the twinkle in your eyes (even now, I can?t say for certain whether they?re brown or green). You still shed charm like water and you protect your sister?to the point of sending your girlfriend to jail?and, yes, you narrate your life in a suave, hypnotic voiceover that sounds like being wrapped in the softest, most expensive plastic on earth. I remember writing about how devastated I would be by your arrest.?

But then you went after LaGuerta, your own police captain, a non-murderer, rather than run away. You humiliated her and then tried to kill her. You executed Estrada even after acknowledging that he ordered his hits for the exact same reasons that you performed yours. (?You think I?m a killer and not a liar?? you taunted him first.) Worst of all, because of you, Deb had to compromise herself beyond redemption. She?ll never get a happy ending now?and with her loyalty and basic good heartedness, she deserved better.

Anyway, I realize you didn?t intend for any of this to happen, but it?s under pressure that people reveal their true colors. The votes are in, Dex, and viewers seem convinced of two things: One, that you?re more villain than hero, and two, that Season 8 will see you fall. As Alex Moaba at the Huffington Post put it, ?According to the show's own mythology, [Dexter and Debra] have crossed a line. As Harry warned Dexter, LaGuerta didn't even come close to fitting the code. Next season, they pretty much have to go down, and that will be fascinating to watch.?

Fascinating, because of the horrible inevitability of it, or boring, because the title character has hemorrhaged all his moral ambiguity? For the final installment of the Dexter TV Club, I turned to some distinguished TVC alumni for their takes on the season's irresistibly titled last episode, ?Surprise Motherfucker.? Responses below.

Richard Rys, blogger for NYMag?s Vulture, TVC Week 9:

I thought it was a great finale. There were some off-key moments this season and a couple dead ends (no complications for Quinn?s evidence tampering and giving Batista his dirty cash?). But last night?s episode accomplished what a season-ender should?a mix of resolution and anticipation for what?s to come. Whodunit cliffhangers can be fun, but they?re also torturous and easy. Instead, we know LaGuerta is dead and both Dexter and Deb will have some serious consequences to deal with. Another award-worthy performance by Jennifer Carpenter, who I?ve been saying all season long has deserved an Emmy nod for her outstanding work. Kudos to the writers as well for making LaGuerta sympathetic. As much fun as it was to watch Matthews needle her, in the end, she (like Doakes) was right about Dexter. She was far from lovable, but she didn?t deserve to die. One thing seems more certain than ever now?Dexter is doomed. The bigger question for me now is whether Deb is, too. She?s gone from his support system to become the show?s most tragic, complicated character. As much as I?m anticipating what?s in store for Dexter, I?m just as invested in Deb?s future. Now that they?re so inextricably tied together, I think their fate is a shared one.

Torie Bosch, Slate Future Tense editor, TVC Week 1:

After Deb saw herself filling the gasoline canister, I thought she was going to break down and confess to LaGuerta. And I rather hoped she would: It would end the exhausting, increasingly difficult to believe story lines in which Dexter gets closer and closer to getting caught, but somehow slips away. Plus, it would have given Season 8--which may or may not be the final installment of the series--an entirely different structure. The legal and media circus that would accompany his arrest would make for great viewing, as would the reactions of Angel, Masuka, Astor. But now I fear the series finale will close with Dexter caught in a slam-dunk way (or perhaps killed).

Chris Kirk, Slate interactives editor, TVC Weeks 3 and 11:

Dexter has killed at least three innocent people before last night's episode: first, when he mistook somebody for a killer in Season 4; second, when he?killed?a foulmouthed jerk in a bathroom after Rita died; and, third, when he kills Hannah's father. The series seems to have expected us to forgive and dismiss each incident, and we have, probably unreasonably. Unlike any of these deviations though, LaGuerta's murder was both deliberate and, whatever your feelings about LaGuerta, entirely undeserved. Her death isn't an illustration of Dexter's flaws and weaknesses but his newfound amorality ? and, now, Deb's amorality. They're both willing to kill innocent people instead of hitting the road like Hannah. Last night was the beginning of the end, and it's going to be an unpleasant end no matter how the final season plays out. ?


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Foxconn reportedly manufacturing Amazon smartphone

Rumors about an Amazon smartphone heated up this summer, and the latest whispers -- from Taiwan Economic News -- say the e-retailer is turning to Foxconn to construct its handset. Amazon is said to have put in a five-million-unit order with the Chinese company, which we've already seen mentioned as the potential manufacturer for this device. The report also says the phone will launch in the second or third quarter of 2013, with a price somewhere in the $100-to-$200 range. Stay tuned, as more rumors are sure to come.

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Via: SlashGear

Source: Taiwan Economic News


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Hillary Clinton faints, suffers concussion, recuperating at home (Los Angeles Times)

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Boehner offers tax increase for entitlement cuts: source

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who canceled an overseas trip last weekend because of illness, suffered a concussion after fainting due to dehydration, prompting the postponement of her scheduled congressional testimony on the attack on a U.S. mission in Libya, officials said on Saturday. "While suffering from a stomach virus, Secretary Clinton became dehydrated and fainted, sustaining a concussion," State Department spokesman Philippe Reines said in a statement. "She has been recovering at home and will continue to be monitored regularly by her doctors. ...


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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Why I See Clients on Christmas Day - What is Lifestyle Therapy?

Don?t get me wrong; I don?t always see clients on Christmas Day. It?s not as if there?s a steady stream of people weaving around the building in need of an appointment. But for some people Christmas Day is dreadful, a major ordeal and they need to see a counsellor or hypnotherapist to help them cope better with the Day.

Many people work on Christmas Day as well as other Bank Holidays. Catering, hospital staff, emergency services, transport systems have staff who work over the holidays. Some people don?t mind working; they may get paid extra and rejoin their families later in the day. Others have to work in rotation with their colleagues and this year it?s their turn.

Let?s look at the people who may need the services of a counsellor or hypnotherapist on Christmas Day;

- Bereaved people, even long-term bereaved people often struggle with significant times of the year. Certain times of the year can be hard because of their focus on family, love, caring and togetherness. Unlike more personal anniversaries that can be endured alone, Christmas is an occasion that is constantly in our faces. Television programmes, magazine articles, shops, other peoples? houses are all full of tinsel and bonhomie. Feeling depressed, unhappy, alone can be especially hard to manage at this time.

- Being single can be difficult at Christmas time. Friends and family may mean well but watching others make plans, agonise over gifts for their loved ones, talk about their plans, even complain about in-laws or step children can all serve to reinforce a feeling of being alone, single, unloved.

- Childless people can really struggle at Christmas time. When a couple is desperate for a child even seeing a picture of Santa can be devastating. And it?s doubly difficult because people with children often don?t appreciate how hard it is for childless people, who, in turn, don?t want to spoil it for those with children.

- Being away from home or having to work over the Christmas period can cause feelings of loneliness, missing out on the fun, being sidelined. Feeling resentful or depressed as a consequence may require help in order to understand and deal with these reactions and feelings, and sometimes these feelings can become overwhelming.

Let?s look at ways to help in these situations:

- A counsellor or hypnotherapist can help a person who is struggling with issues of bereavement, loneliness, isolation. Therapy can help to improve outlook and perspective, help reduce stress, negative thinking and so improve personal levels of confidence and self-esteem. Negative thoughts and feelings can become a vicious cycle of despair and self-doubt. Certain times of the year can magnify those feelings and an appointment on Christmas Day can sometimes really help to lift the mood and improve the mindset.

- Accepting invitations can be a positive step. Many people are happy to set an extra place at Christmas Day lunch. There is often far too much food around already and an extra place is no problem. But accepting an invitation can be difficult to do. It may feel like charity or pity, but often it is neither. Seeing it as an invitation to join a few people for a pleasant meal can make a big difference to the experience of Christmas Day.

- Planning ahead to make the day special can be a remedy for loneliness. Arranging lovely meals, highlighting interesting films and television programmes, making home cosy, warm and comfortable are all important steps that can help make the day pleasurable. By allowing time for treats, like having a leisurely bath, reading a good book, doing some handicrafts, listening to music, the holiday period can become a precious break.

- Volunteering in a homeless shelter, refuge, animal sanctuary can be a valuable use of one?s time. Many of these places struggle to find staff at holiday times, so an offer of help is often warmly received. And doing so may open up a whole new world of friendships and interest.

And at the end of the day occasions like Christmas Day, Thanksgiving, Valentines Day are all just one day of the year. Seeing a counsellor or hypnotherapist can help with the underlying issues of grief, loneliness, low self-esteem but often being more relaxed about the day, making a few plans ahead and having less high expectations can significantly improve the experience.


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Open-source software are applications where the source code is provided under an open-source license that permits users to change, improve or enhance the software to meet their needs. Open source software is widely used for developing websites and web applications. They are very popular among businesses and web developers alike. As the software can be adapted to meet specific business needs, it is able to meet the requirements of small businesses as well as large corporations.

Open source CMS platforms like Joomla, Magento and Drupal or?WordPress for blog have become household names and are used to power millions of websites all over the world ranging from start-up businesses as well as prestigious organizations such as the United Nations, the White House, and many more.

If you are looking to develop a new website, you may want to read our previous post on the top free open source content management systems for developing powerful websites.

In this post, we take a look at the main benefits of open source software to build your web presence and discuss why this provides a better option than using bespoke development or other off the shelf software to create your website.

Here are 11 reasons why your business website should be powered by an open source content management system:

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1. Open Source systems are published under a free software license that implies there are no licensing fees to use or upgrade the software over time. For businesses, this not only means lower cost of ownership but it also means that businesses can set aside and spend more funds or resources on training or customisation which will make the most difference to the overall success of the business.

2. All known open source software benefit from extensive, highly motivated communities involved with regular improvements and fast bug fixes which makes the software less vulnerable to known threats and security loop-holes.

3. Open source platforms are robust and scalable. The extension based framework and database-driven design makes the software easily scalable to meet the ever-changing needs of businesses. A website built with an open-source CMS platform is easily adaptable to changes without the need for large investments or costly rebuilds as requirements of the business grow in future.

4. Open source CMS platforms offer complete separation of design from content. It is easy to manage changes to the design without any impact on the content and vice versa. The template based architecture also means that a single file needs to be changed in order to reflect the changes throughout the site.

5. The central interface of the CMS resides on the server, making it easier for content creators and editors to collaborate with each other via the central administration panel of the website.

6. The entire CMS application runs on the server and can be accessed by the business from anywhere over an Internet connection like any other cloud based application. The system is device independent and there is no need to install any special software on the desktop.

7. Popular open source CMS systems benefit from an established community of developers. Extensive support and documentation is freely available online. In addition to the official website, there are many third-party websites and online communities including forums, blogs and sites offering tutorials, user-guides and other resources.

8. There are thousands of extensions available for every open source platform whether it is WordPress, Joomla, Drupal or Magento. The wide availability of third-party extensions can offer solutions for most business needs. There are many interactive website features and other important functionality that you can add with ease.

9. Open source CMS software are flexible to meet the needs of diverse businesses. They are equally effective for developing small websites or large, complex web applications. They can be used to meet the requirements of start-up ventures as well as established corporations.

10. Usability plays a very important role in open source CMS software.? They are very easy to use without prior IT knowledge and experience. New users can get familiarised to the system and learn to use the system without the need for specialist support or training.

11. ?In addition low start-up costs, open source CMS software provides businesses with rapid deployment times. Businesses can get access to? a powerful web presence within a fraction of the time needed to develop a bespoke website from scratch.

12. Open Source systems offer low running and? maintenance costs for businesses. Most of the popular open source CMS platforms are built with PHP and MySQL framework which can run on most standard in-expensive web hosting services.


By building your website with open-source software, your business can save valuable time and resources that can be used to promote your business online and improve brand visibility. Furthermore, your business can benefit from powerful website functionality and many interactive features that can improve your chances of success online.

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Arthritis? What Joint inflammation? Guidance And Techniques For ...

At virtually any stage, there are hundreds of thousands and millions of adults who definitely are Jakke Parajumpers having difficulty managing joint disease. You should remain positive in regards to the sickness, specially when there are many available options. The guidelines on this page will assist you to recognize and cope with the nature of your sickness.

Join counselling. A doctor will help you together with the health-related element of joint inflammation, but guidance will assist you to using the mental element. Counseling can help you cope with your worries far better as well as perhaps despite your depression if this sounds like the situation and also enable you to manage the chronic soreness.

Tend not to lower price the desire to get adequate sleeping when confronted with psoriatic rheumatoid arthritis. You want sleeping now even more than well before. If you are having difficulty sleeping, engage with your doctor about drugs which can help. Keep the bedroom an area for resting Parajumpers Jacket so that your body knows that going to your bed implies time for sleep.

Start using other parts of the body to perform the work when you are weightlifting goods. You may use your shoulder joint to assist get an issue that is put a little bit better. Adding other parts of your system will minimize the strain that you simply placed on your most intensely applied muscles and joints.

Many individuals tend to have poor pose and do a variety of items that ruin their bodies. In case you have joint disease, it can be even more crucial that you pay attention to such things as this. You must make sure you maintain good posture and also the correct placement of your body.

When looking after joint inflammation, take an all-natural technique Parajumpers Jacket that takes the health of your whole body, thoughts and mindset into consideration. By being at an effective body weight, maintaining the muscles nicely toned to help help your joints, ingesting well, and remaining hydrated, you are carrying out your behalf to aid your arthritis therapy plan.

Do as much reading and studying since you can to discover all of the new inventions in joint disease therapy, both in the mainstream field of medication and in a huge number of alternative therapies. By understanding what?s available to you, you will be able to produce the most efficient and creative therapy decide to street address your arthritis pain demands.

Permit the Jakke Parajumpers direct sun light in. Vitamin D can aid alleviate some symptoms of arthritis, and sunshine is popular for increasing optimistic thoughts and bettering feelings. Launching your window shades for 15 minutes each day may be adequate to provide some great positive aspects, yet still be from the comfort of your property.

New research has shown that consuming meals rich in omega-3s can help with rheumatoid arthritis. In case you are not a fan of sea food and seafood, then you can still make use of omega-3s by taking a daily fish-oil health supplement. It offers an extra gain for helping those people who are dangerous for heart problems too.

Should you Jakke Parajumpers stick to the suggestions presented in this article, you will discover yourself greater well prepared to manage your trouble. Whilst arthritis could make it difficult to perform particular tasks, it is definitely not the conclusion around the world. There are numerous options available to assist you help it become by way of on a daily basis with the rheumatoid arthritis.

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Real Estate Buyers Beware: Supreme Court opinion demonstrates ...


We?ve all heard the old adage: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It surprises me how frequently I learn that clients or other savvy investors or businesspeople proceed to purchase real estate without receiving critical advice or performing adequate due diligence.

The Minnesota Supreme Court?s decision in Mattson Ridge, LLC v. Clear Rock Title, LLP, et al. demonstrates why, when purchasing land for investment, development, or even for personal enjoyment, due diligence is so important. The case involves Mattson Ridge, a real estate firm seeking investment opportunities in real estate, and presumably a savvy real estate investor in its own right. The company purchased 64 acres of farmland with the intent to hold it as an investment to sell to another party for future development.

Mattson Ridge read the market perfectly. It closed on its purchase of the property in September 2005 for $1.286 million and by the end of October 2005 had a purchase agreement in place to sell the property for $2.9 million. The sale was scheduled to close in May 2006, but a problem with the legal description of the property prevented the sale because it constituted a defect in the title to the property. In real estate terms, the seller was unable to provide ?marketable title? to the property as of the date the buyer was ready, willing and able to close.

Mattson Ridge did take one step to protect itself that a surprising number of parties fail to do, which was to secure title insurance to protect against any title issues that might arise based on defects existing at the time it purchased the property. Unfortunately, that wasn?t enough to completely protect it. The limits under the title insurance policy were set at Mattson Ridge?s purchase price ($1.286 million), rather than at a higher figure that would have covered the full market value of the property (which the evidence suggests was $2.9 million, in light of the purchase agreement it entered into to sell the property).

In its opinion in the Mattson Ridge case, the Supreme Court held that the title to the property was defective, but that Mattson Ridge was not permitted to recover more on its insurance than the policy limits. This means Mattson Ridge is entitled to recovery $1.286 million, plus about $11,000 of out-of-pocket expenses, but it will not recover the profits it lost as a result of the failed closing; more than $1.6 million beyond those policy limits. An ounce of legal advice and assistance with due diligence in this matter would have prevented the need to seek more than a pound of cure -a cure that the buyer was denied because just buying title insurance was not enough.

What?s even more alarming than the $1.6 loss that wasn?t covered by insurance was that the case could have turned out even worse for Mattson Ridge. The Supreme Court declined to decide certain additional issues, which included whether a clause in the insurance policy called a ?coinsurance provision? or ?coinsurance clause? should reduce the coverage available to Mattson Ridge. A coinsurance provision in an insurance policy states that, if the insured purchases a policy with limits that are more than a certain percentage below the actual extent of potential loss that may arise (often 80 percent), the insured?s recovery may be reduced significantly. This issue did not affect Mattson Ridge because the title insurer did not raise it before the case reached the Supreme Court, but it certainly could have done so and if it had, the buyer could have lost even more money. This represents yet another reason to get advice and assistance when performing the proper due diligence required to make a sound real estate purchase.

Mattson Ridge ultimately was able to remedy the title defect, meaning it could be sold with a title that is now marketable (i.e., without the title defect that prevented its sale under the October 2005 purchase agreement). But the delays and defects that existed because the problem was not discovered prior to its own purchase means Mattson lost its opportunity to obtain a profit of more than $1.6 million in less than a year, and that kind of opportunity may not present itself again.

If you?re considering buying or selling real estate, or have a potential problem with providing or obtaining marketable title, consider taking a heavy dose of prevention and contact an attorney with Thomsen Nybeck. We have been assisting parties with real estate transactions and disputes for 40 years, and we can help you avoid the need for a painful cure that may never come. And, if need be, we can help administer the cure as well.


Matt Drewes contributed this post.? Matt is a Shareholder with Thomsen Nybeck.? He is the head of the firm?s nine-member Community Association Representation Group and the firm?s Creditors? Remedies Group. and practices in the areas of business and real estate litigation and transactions, employment law, construction litigation, community association law, debtor/creditor law and insurance. He has been included in the annual list of Minnesota?s Rising Stars for several years, and has been quoted on issues involving construction litigation, community associations and real property issues in the Minneapolis StarTribune, Minnesota Lawyer, Habitat Magazine, Yahoo!,,,, and elsewhere. He can be reached at or by phone at 952.835.7000.

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Tags: developer, real estate, development, Minnesota, construction, real estate lawyer, title insurance, commercial real estate, commercial real estate attorney, purchase agreement, marketable title, title defect, legal description, coinsurance, coinsurance provision, coinsurance clause, Mattson Ridge, investment, Ticor Title, Clear Rock Title, investor, due diligence, real estate closing, closing, farmland, Minnesota Supreme Court, buyer beware, lost profit, boundary


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Friday, December 14, 2012

Christine Gallagher: Top 5 Most Horrifying Post-Divorce Dates

After my marriage ended, I was alone for a long time. Eventually, I plucked up the courage to date again. Friends urged me to go online. Like many people, I was curious but apprehensive. Once I started reading online profiles, I was hooked. There were so many people, so many choices. And each week, new ones magically appeared, kind of like the cake factory scene in that old I Love Lucy episode where an endless stream of confections keeps coming down the line.

I stuck with it for two long years before I found the delicious new man in my life. Along the way, I had good dates, bad dates, interesting dates and depressing dates. I also had some memorably strange first dates.

What follows are my top five most horrifying first dates from this time period. I share them here not only for readers who are amused by odd human encounters, but to hopefully inspire those trudging the online trenches. You are not alone. Horrible dates happen to all of us. Keep your sense of humor and keep going -- it will get better!

1. The Pet Date. After a brief phone conversation, I met a man at the Santa Monica Pier on a Sunday afternoon. He had a dog with him, a nervous looking mutt with very long ears and very short legs. "It's my ex-wife's," he explained. "I look after it when she goes out of town." He glanced at me like he thought I'd think he was a nice guy for doing that. I tried to stay neutral, though by now, the dog was jumping on my pants in a really irritating way. We started down the boardwalk, the dog skittering back and forth like it was trying to trip me. My date seemed oblivious. His phone rang. "It's my ex-wife," he said, like it was Joe Biden calling. A heated argument ensued as the ex harangued him for not taking the dog to the dog park as instructed. He got off the phone and launched into a rant about what a bitch she was and how she'd told him he was bad in bed. "Why on earth do you babysit this woman's dog?" I asked. "If I don't, she'll make me take it to a pet motel," he said. "And I'm sick of paying for it!" I didn't go online for at least three days.

2. The Sad Widower. I'd noticed there were a lot of widowers online. They seemed nice and non-threatening and I'd emailed with several. I'd even sent a couple of condolences. Finally, I decided to meet one, a man who had sent a heartfelt email in which he confided he badly needed to live again. We had a nice conversation and the date seemed to be going well. Two drinks later, he leaned closer and said that if we became an item, we'd always have to go to my house. "Oh? Why's that?" I said, wondering how we got to this topic so fast. He grinned boyishly and revealed that he and his wife still lived in the same house but led separate lives. I was, as they say in the U.K., gobsmacked. "Why did you say you were a widower?!" "If I said I was still married, no one would want to go out with me," he replied. "Women like widowers."

3. The Blind Date. A friend knew we were both online dating and thought we might be a match. His profile revealed that he was a good-looking media spokesperson for a high-end dog food company. He was going to be in our city and my friend had arranged for me to pick him up so he could take me to dinner. I arrived at his motel and called from the car. "I'm not ready yet," he said. "Will you come up?" My friend knew this man fairly well, so I went up to his room and knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal Mr. Kibble standing there stark naked and very relaxed about it. I was proud of myself in that moment. Even though I felt primitive heart-pounding fear, I stayed calm as the part of me that revels in strange moments clapped her hands with a gleeful, "I don't believe this!" "I see you're not dressed yet," I said demurely. "I'll be in the car." I walked to the parking lot, quelling my urge to run like the wind, then drove home.

4. Going Dutch. I met him in a noisy little sports bar. I ordered a chardonnay. He ordered coffee. We had little in common. It was all pretty benign except for one startling moment when he dropped into the conversation that his mother made him put his hand in her vagina starting at age four. After the requisite 45 minutes I said I had to go home. He paid the check and we left. An hour later, I received a very long, angry email. He wrote that he felt very annoyed with himself and with me. He was sick of feeling taken advantage of by people and not speaking up. He was referring to my letting him pay the check. Jeez, I only had a $5 glass of house wine! He railed me for not paying for my drink and ended by firmly stating that on all our future dates we would be going dutch thank you very much!

5. Hidden Agendas. He suggested we meet for at a wonderful little Japanese restaurant. There was no attraction but we chatted and the food was excellent. "Do you always have a wonderful dinner on a first date?" I asked. "No," he said. He'd read on my profile that I was a therapist and thought I could help him. He was obsessively in love with a woman in Minneapolis. He hadn't seen her in seven months and it was killing him. I popped a spring roll in my mouth and gently explained I couldn't conduct therapy under these conditions. But I said he could just talk if he wanted and I'd just keep eating -- which I did, and then went home.

If you've had a horrifying first date, please share below. No names but lots of juicy details please!


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AMR pilots union meets company CEO, still backs USAir merger: spokesman

(Reuters) - American Airlines' pilots union still supports a merger with US Airways Group, a union spokesman said on Thursday, unmoved by a pitch from AMR Chief Executive Tom Horton that the company should exit Chapter 11 as an independent carrier.

Next week, US Airways CEO Doug Parker is expected to meet with the board of the Allied Pilots Association, spokesman Dennis Tajer said.

Horton, who became CEO of American parent AMR Corp as the company filed for bankruptcy protection in November 2011, requested the meeting with the pilots union leadership and met with the board for about three hours on Thursday, Tajer said.

"The case was made for the standalone plan, and APA leadership gave the standalone plan pitch due consideration but after the meeting continued to believe that a merger is best for the longtime interest of our pilots and our airline," the spokesman added.

American Airlines met with the union to thank it for its leadership in reaching a new labor contract, "discuss the next steps in our evaluation of strategic alternatives and exchange information," according to a statement from spokesman Mike Trevino.

US Airways declined to comment.

US Air has been pushing for a merger with American all year, and its plan has the support of unions that represent American's flight attendants and ground workers, in addition to the pilots union. The two carriers combined would be on par with current No. 1 United Continental Holdings in scope.

"We anticipate that Mr. Parker will articulate his vision and plan for the new American Airlines next week," Tajer added.

American Airlines creditors want a potential merger with US Airways to be an all-stock deal rather than one that pays some claims in cash, people familiar with the matter said this week. Merger discussions among US Airways, AMR and its creditors are at an advanced stage, the sources said.

The pilots unions at both American and US Airways said this week they would join the merger talks with AMR creditors and the companies. The Allied Pilots Association last week approved a new labor accord with American that grants it a 13.5 percent equity stake in a reorganized AMR.

Keith Wilson, president of the pilots union, said in a message to members on Wednesday that Wall Street analysts suggest an American-US Airways merger is likely. "While I will refrain from speculation, we must be ready to move quickly toward a potential merger," Wilson said.

American Airlines shares rose 16.9 percent to 76 cents on Thursday, while US Airways rose 2.1 percent to $12.97.

(Reporting by Karen Jacobs; Editing by Dan Grebler)


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Dodgers on track to pass Yanks in '13 payroll


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 8:56 p.m. ET Dec. 12, 2012

NEW YORK (AP) - The Los Angeles Dodgers are on track to become only the second major league team with a $200 million payroll and could end the New York Yankees' streak of 14 years as baseball's biggest spender.

The Dodgers are at $214.8 million for 21 signed players next season, according to a study of their contracts by The Associated Press. That follows last weekend's additions of free agent pitcher Zack Greinke for a $147 million, six-year contract and South Korean pitcher Ryu Hyun-jin for a $36 million, six-year deal.

"Creating a lot of buzz, that's for sure," Greinke said. "And you do wonder when things are going to stop."

Crediting the $3.9 million Boston is paying Los Angeles next year as part of last August's trade and not counting the portions of signing bonuses for players obtained from the Red Sox, the Dodgers' 2013 payroll currently is at $207.9 million.

The Yankees have led each year since the Baltimore Orioles edged them by $200,000 in 1998, and New York has been at $200 million-plus every season since 2005. The record opening-day payroll of $209.1 million was set by the Yankees in 2008.

"I don't that there's anybody that can keep up with what the Dodgers are doing," Arizona Diamondbacks general manager Kevin Towers said.

Los Angeles, almost certain to pay the luxury tax next year, has joined the high rollers since the Dodgers were bought in May by Mark Walter's group, which also includes Magic Johnson and Stan Kasten.

"When we took over the team we said we were going to spend money and I guess you guys are seeing that we're trying to do that," Johnson said. "We're not messing around. We're not talking about it, we're doing it."

Under outgoing owner Frank McCourt, they started the season with the 12th-highest payroll at $94.7 million. They boosted spending with the midseason acquisitions of Hanley Ramirez, Adrian Gonzalez, Josh Beckett, Carl Crawford and Brandon League.

The Dodgers finished 86-76 last season, eight games behind the eventual World Series champion San Francisco Giants in the NL West. The Dodgers haven't reached the World Series since winning the title in 1988.

In addition to their players with agreements, the Dodgers have two players eligible for salary arbitration: catcher A.J. Ellis and right-hander Ronald Belisario.

"We're here to win. I can't tell you if we're stopping or not," Johnson said.

New York's 2013 payroll is at $176 million for 13 players, including a $12 million deal for third baseman Kevin Youkilis that hasn't been finalized. Four Yankees are eligible for arbitration: pitchers Phil Hughes, David Robertson, Joba Chamberlain and Boone Logan.

The deals for Greinke and Ryu contain numerous complicated provisions and perks.

Greinke gets a $12 million signing bonus, of which $7 million is payable by Dec. 31 and $5 million on Feb. 1, 2014. He gets a $17 million salary next year, $24 million in 2014, $23 million in 2015, $24 million in 2016, $23 million in 2017 and $24 million in 2018.

He can opt out of the final three years of the contract within three days of the final game of the 2015 World Series.

While Greinke doesn't have a no-trade provision, if he's dealt during the season he can decide within three days of the end of the World Series whether to terminate the contract. And if he's traded during the offseason, he gets an extra $3 million and has the right to end the deal immediately.

In addition, for the 2018 season only, he gets $1 million for winning the Cy Young Award and $500,000 for finishing second through fifth. Greinke also has the right to purchase four premium tickets for all home games.

Ryu gets a $5 million signing bonus, half due on April 1 and the rest on April 1, 2014. His salaries are $2.5 million next year, $3.5 million in 2014, $4 million in 2015 and $7 million in each of the following three seasons. He can earn an additional $1 million annually in performance bonuses, $250,000 each for 170, 180, 190 and 200 innings.

If he has 750 innings pitched from 2013-17, he can opt out of the final season. If he wins the Cy Young Award, his salaries for remaining seasons would increase by $1 million. They would go up by $750,000 if he finishes second, $500,000 if he finishes third and $250,000 if he finishes fourth or fifth.

He has the same opt-out rights as Greinke, but without the $3 million payment, and he can't be sent to the minor leagues without his consent.

Ryu gets a $30,000 moving allowance, eight annual first-class round-trip tickets from Los Angeles to South Korea, an employee assigned to Korean media needs, and interpreter, a personal trainer/massage therapist, English lessons and payment for immigration fees.

The contract gives him the right to wear No. 99 and allows him access to purchase premium tickets. He gets a suite on the road but pays the difference between the cost of a suite and a regular room.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Gov. Brown Facing Prostate Cancer: News: SFAppeal

Gov. Jerry Brown's office announced today that the governor is being treated for prostate cancer.

Brown, 74, is continuing with his full work schedule during his treatment for the early stages of localized prostate cancer, according to his office. The treatment is expected to be completed the week of Jan. 7, 2013.

His oncologist, Dr. Eric Small of the University of California at San Francisco, issued a statement today about Brown's health.

Small said, "The prognosis is excellent, and there are not expected to be any significant side effects."

He said Brown will be undergoing a short course of conventional radiotherapy.

Brown previously served as California governor from 1975 to 1983. He was mayor of Oakland from 1999 to 2007, and served as California attorney general before being elected governor again in November 2010.

Sasha Lekach, Bay City News

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Anti-virus software developer McAfee arrives in US

Software company founder John McAfee leaves an immigration detention center for the La Aurora international airport in Guatemala City, Wednesday Dec. 12, 2012. McAfee, who is being deported to the U.S., was detained last week for immigration violations after he sneaked into Guatemala from neighboring Belize, where authorities sought to question him about the murder of his neighbor. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo)

Software company founder John McAfee leaves an immigration detention center for the La Aurora international airport in Guatemala City, Wednesday Dec. 12, 2012. McAfee, who is being deported to the U.S., was detained last week for immigration violations after he sneaked into Guatemala from neighboring Belize, where authorities sought to question him about the murder of his neighbor. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo)

Software company founder John McAfee leaves an migration detention center for the La Aurora international airport in Guatemala City, Wednesday Dec. 12, 2012. McAfee was released from detention in Guatemala and is being deported to the U.S. McAfee was detained last week for immigration violations after he sneaked into Guatemala from neighboring Belize, where authorities sought to question him about the murder of his neighbor. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo)

Software company founder John McAfee is surrounded by members of the press as he leaves an immigration detention center for the La Aurora international airport in Guatemala City, Wednesday Dec. 12, 2012. McAfee, who is being deported to the U.S., was detained last week for immigration violations after he sneaked into Guatemala from neighboring Belize, where authorities sought to question him about the murder of his neighbor. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo)

Sam, the Belizean girlfriend of software company founder John McAfee, reacts after he arrived to La Aurora international airport after being released from a detention center in Guatemala City, Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2012. McAfee, who is being deported to the U.S., was detained last week for immigration violations after he sneaked into Guatemala from neighboring Belize, where authorities sought to question him about the murder of his neighbor. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo)

Sam, the Belizean girlfriend of software company founder John McAfee, stands in the La Aurora international airport after McAfee was released from a detention center and brought to the airport in Guatemala City, Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2012. McAfee, who is being deported to the U.S., was detained last week for immigration violations after he sneaked into Guatemala from neighboring Belize, where authorities sought to question him about the murder of his neighbor. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo)

(AP) ? Anti-virus software founder John McAfee arrived in the U.S. on Wednesday night after being deported from Guatemala, where he had sought to evade police questioning in the killing of a man in neighboring Belize.

The American Airlines commercial jet carrying McAfee landed in Miami shortly before 7 p.m. Wednesday, said Miami International Airport spokesman Greg Chin.

A short time later, a posting on McAfee's website announced that he was at a hotel in Miami's upscale South Beach neighborhood. He said he arrived by taxi after a group of customs or immigration agents, he didn't know which, escorted him to an airport taxi stand. McAfee has frequently communicated through the website.

"I have no phone, no money, no contact information," the post said. Reached by telephone at the hotel, the 67-year-old McAfee told an AP reporter that he couldn't talk because he was waiting for a call from his girlfriend, 20-year-old Belizean Samantha Vanegas.

Vanegas had accompanied him when he was on the run, but did not go with him to the U.S.

On a blog he has been posting for the past two weeks, McAfee wrote, "I have been forcibly separated from Sam," but claimed she would be coming to the United States later.

McAfee sat in a coach-class seat on the flight, which took off at midafternoon from Guatemala City, according to the airline.

Other passengers on the flight told The Associated Press that McAfee was escorted off the aircraft before others were allowed to disembark.

"They asked us to please stay seated and said, 'Mr. John McAfee, come to the front,' and he did," said Maria Claridge, a 36-year-old photographer from Fort Lauderdale. "He walked very peacefully, chin up. He didn't seem stressed."

Claridge said she did not see what happened to McAfee after he left the aircraft. She said he was well dressed, in a black suit and white shirt, appeared to be traveling alone and that she didn't realize who he was until another passenger told her.

"I thought he was either a diplomat or a politician," she said. "It just seemed eerie to be traveling on an airplane with someone who was in trouble."

An FBI spokesman in Miami, James Marshall, told the AP in an email that the agency is not involved with McAfee's return to the U.S.

Authorities from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the U.S. Marshals office and the U.S. attorney's office did not immediately respond to questions about whether McAfee would be questioned or detained in the U.S. They said there was no active arrest warrant for McAfee that would justify taking him into custody.

Bystanders in Guatemala City stopped to stare at the passing police convoy that escorted McAfee to the Central American country's international airport. People at the airport crowded around the immigration truck carrying McAfee, straining to take pictures of him with their cellphones.

"I'm free. I'm going to America," McAfee said before boarding the plane.

He suggested his weeklong detention in Guatemala for entering the country clandestinely had taken its toll on him.

"All I can tell you is, I'm 10 years older, and I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just going to Miami," he said.

McAfee said Sunday that he wanted to return to the United States and "settle down to whatever normal life" he can. "I simply would like to live comfortably day by day, fish, swim, enjoy my declining years."

His expulsion from Guatemala marked the last chapter in a strange, monthlong odyssey to avoid police questioning about the November killing of American expatriate Gregory Viant Faull, who lived a couple of houses down from McAfee's compound on Ambergris Caye, off Belize's Caribbean coast.

McAfee has acknowledged that his dogs were bothersome and that Faull had complained about them days before some of the dogs were poisoned, but denies killing Faull.

He was in hiding in Belize for weeks after police pronounced him a person of interest in the killing. Belizean authorities have urged him to show up for questioning, but have not lodged any formal charges against him. McAfee has said he feared he would be killed if he turned himself in to Belizean authorities.

McAfee is an acknowledged practical joker who has dabbled in yoga, ultra-light aircraft and the production of herbal medications. He has led an eccentric life since he sold his stake in the software company named after him in the early 1990s and moved to Belize about three years ago to lower his taxes.

He told The New York Times in 2009 that he had lost all but $4 million of his $100 million fortune in the U.S. financial crisis. However, a story on the Gizmodo website quoted him as describing that claim as "not very accurate at all."


Associated Press writer Romina Ruiz-Goiriena in Guatemala City and AP photographer Alan Diaz in Miami contributed to this story.


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